299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author

April 28, 2014 Books Disaster Health 0

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author on Survival Medicine Hour
Host: Dr Bones and Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour

Apocalyptic Joe 64x125Apocalyptic AmyIn this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour interview their friend Glen Tate, author of the popular 299 Days apocalyptic fiction series. We’ll talk about Glen’s journey on the road to preparedness, his life in politics, and his efforts to make a major motion picture based on his book series.

ApocalypticGlen Tate has led an amazing life – and one that took a surprising turn. He grew up poor in the rural logging town of Forks, Washington. He worked hard to become a successful professional with a job in the political arena. Thinking he’d finally made it and everything was great, he was stunned to see how corrupt government is. From his observations at his job, he realized that America is collapsing and bad things are coming. Very soon. He began to prepare for him and his family to make it through the civil unrest of the coming collapse. That meant he had to return to his rural roots – quite a shock to his family and friends. Even more amazing was that he wrote down what he foresees happening during the collapse and it became a ten-book novel series published by Prepper Press. Now his latest project is making a film based on his popular books.

Apocalyptic NewBookCovSmaller199Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy will also talk about their projects, including their book “The Survival Medicine Handbook” and their successful Kickstarter project, the survival board game “Doom and Bloom’s SURVIVAL!”. They’ll discuss why they put the game together: To give that lone prepper a fun and challenging way to get the whole family involved in the preparedness mindset.

Apocalyptic Survival Game 150x150Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy will also tell you about events they will teach and speak at in the near future in the states of Tennessee and Ohio. Check out their classes in these locales by going to www.doomandbloom.net and clicking on the “classes” button on the main page toolbar.

Listen to this broadcast on 299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction in player below!

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