Radio Communications

Radio Communications

December 28, 2016 CB Radio Communication Ham Radio 0

Radio Communications

Radio CommunicationsEver feel overwhelmed with trying to understand how to communicate off-grid. Ok you got CB’s, hams, high and low frequency, pricey and cheap antenna’s? Well on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we talk about setting up our communications and communications network.

Old Geezer Prepper from YouTube helped us to understand the basics and also answer questions from more advanced listeners. He has been a prepper since late 1979 and a licensed Ham Radio Operator since 1985. He has also promised to KISS, or not so technical we get lost. Also a visit at the start of the show with the founder of the new e-magazine “Happy To Survive” Listen to this show in player below for a lot of great information on communication from an expert in the field.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Radio Communications” in player below!

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