Category: Sanitation

Food Preparation Sanitation and Cleanliness

Food Preparation Sanitation and Cleanliness Micheal Kline “Reality Check” audio in player below! All right folks it is time to get yourself a cup of coffee or make a pot of tea and join us for a dose of Reality check. Now make yourself comfy, get your notebook and pencil, and listen close. This episode…
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December 1, 2018 0

Building and Types The Latrine

Building and Types The Latrine Part 2. Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below Due to the proximity of the latest hurricane and the effects on family and friends to the hosts of this show the first half hour of this show is devoted to the realities of preparedness and in helping others be better…
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October 13, 2018 0

Sanitation 3: The Latrine!

Sanitation 3: The Latrine! Sanitation and Personal Cleanliness Part 3. The Latrine Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this episode of Reality Check, we are continuing with part 2 of sanitation, literally. On this show our number 1 focus is on number 2. Everyone knows it by the same name whether latrine, loo,…
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October 6, 2018 0

Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in…

Sanitation Grid Down and Knee Deep in… Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! For the next few weeks on Reality Check, EK is back in the studio discussing sanitation. We may not like it but when the grid goes down mother nature is going to come knocking. You may not think it is that…
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September 22, 2018 0

Creatures that Bite and Sting Pt.3

Creatures that Bite and Sting Pt.3 Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Flies, Lice, and Coyotes. In this show, you will be guaranteed to have your skin crawling and feel itchy all over. Be prepared to be grossed out and terrified. Flies have always been viewed as nasty, but after this…
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September 9, 2018 0

5 tips to keep your homestead rodent free!

5 tips to keep your homestead rodent free Often our homes are infested with rats the presence of which causes grievous losses in the form of disease manifestation. Rats are probably the only mammals that have the ability to spoil food, spread viruses and chew your electrical viruses too. In short, they can create havoc…
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June 8, 2017 0

Hygiene and being resourceful!

Hygiene and being resourceful! When you talk about threats in a post disaster scenario it’s easy to get wrapped up in the obvious. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone for having fear of roving mobs of the desperate, life threatening conditions of the environment around us or even the very real possibility of starvation. These are threats…
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March 10, 2017 0

Invasion of the Pests!

Invasion of the Pests! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There are lots of terrifying scenarios that come to mind when you mention a post-apocalyptic scenario. Most of this is based on the vicious behavior of the human animal. When we talk about home invasion, riots and murder these are all threats…
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March 2, 2017 0

Making Soap!

Self-Reliance Skill: Making Soap Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you want to stay healthy post-disaster, then you need to learn how to make soap. Soap making is both an essential skill, and an easy craft to learn. Some people, however, are nervous to try making soap at home because it involves lye. Lye is…
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July 25, 2016 0

Contaminated Water Survival

Contaminated Water Survival Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we’re talking about water borne illnesses that result from contaminated water and poor sanitation, and what to do if you or a loved one become ill. Water is essential to life. We need to have water that is clean and…
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March 14, 2016 0

Hygiene being #1 or #2

Hygiene being #1 or #2 Sam Coffman “Herbal Medic” Hygiene and sanitation, how prepared are you really in regards to  and (in the worst case) coping with gasto-intestinal disease in a post-disaster environment?  Today, on The Human Path Sam Coffman discusses everything you ever wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t!) about purifying

November 29, 2015 0

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies!

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” Learn to make your own non-toxic herbal household cleaners in this episode of Herbal Prepper Live. The ability to stay clean increases your chance of staying healthy. Many of these contain toxic ingredients, some suspected of being carcinogens. Plus, many people take for granted that there…
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November 15, 2015 0

Who is Survivor Jane?

Who is Survivor Jane? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Jane is city-girl turned prepper/homesteader – moving to the Appalachian Mountains from Central Florida.  She is the creator and editor of the disaster survival and preparedness website Her mission has become educating people on how to better prepare themselves by sharing her experiences and research…
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September 24, 2015 1