Category: Politics

Preppers LIVE: You are a Detainee!

Listen to “Preppers LIVE: You are a Detainee!” on Spreaker. 0 (14s): Prepper Broadcasting Network Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button or create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. 0 (55s): 1 (1m 5s): What is a PBN family? It…
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January 5, 2021 0

Politics and Preparedness – The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Politics and Preparedness – The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (7s): we have to hit the reset button, create a true culture, prepared, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (49s): 1 (1m 9s): Hello everyone. And welcome to next generation show where we delve…
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July 22, 2020 0

Silence the Opposition!

The News Pt 2 Silence the Opposition! Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below This week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines continues the exploration of the ‘tactical execution and practical application’ of collectivization. This practical application includes the implementation of mechanisms that eliminate opposing viewpoints. When these mechanisms manifest themselves within present day events…
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October 16, 2018 0

Toleration, Silencing Opposition!

Toleration, Silencing Opposition! Toleration Pt 3 Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the examination of the principles of open discourse take a frightening turn. Under the guise of societal ‘improvement’, portions of a society desire (and gain) the authority to eliminate the rights of others…
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October 2, 2018 0

Rules of the game Rules for Radicals

Rules of the game part 10 Rules for Radicals Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we finish the review of Saul Alinsky’s book ‘Rules for Radicals’. This text reveals his radicals theories and practices regarding the empowerment of the disenfranchised. For this episode, his ideas…
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September 11, 2018 0

Battlefield America 13 The rules of the game part 6

Battlefield America 13 The rules of the game part 6 Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the premier activist ‘how-to’ book. While last week emphasizes the list of talents/traits necessary for these activists, this episode focuses upon the skill that…
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August 14, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 2

Battlefield America Part 2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For the seventh broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the ‘combatants’ vying for control of America’s culture and morals. After a short review of the previous episodes, we will shift the focus from the ‘pro-individual’ philosophy to…
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May 29, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 1 with Reality Check on PBN

Battlefield America Part 1 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! On this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will identify the ‘combatants’ participating for control within the United States of America. Using the concepts and ideologies examined in the previous episodes, we will identify the participants in this conflict. In conjunction…
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May 22, 2018 0

Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle!

Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There has been so much talk about fake news lately that its been a bit overwhelming. On this show I would really like to explore the idea of fake news. You see fake news in and of itself…
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February 23, 2017 0

After Casual Communism, Racial Division & Angst!

After Casual Communism, Racial Division & Angst! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! On this special edition of the I AM Liberty Show we are going to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power in the United States. In straight forward terms we are celebrating the end of the Obama age. Let’s be…
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January 22, 2017 0

Preparing for Russia and China!

Preparing for Russia and China James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! So, what is the deal with China/ Russia relations lately. It seems like we are telling multiple stories about these nations. Are we on the doorstep of war with Russia over the hacking and the Syria business or is Putin happy…
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December 22, 2016 0

The Imminent Threat of Societal Distrust!

The Imminent Threat of Societal Distrust! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There is no doubt that our society has less trust in the major institutions that we have built our society on. We are moving out of a time where the people have been so inundated with truth and reality. In…
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December 15, 2016 0

THE COURSE OF EMPIRE: Brink of societal collapse?

THE COURSE OF EMPIRE: Brink of societal collapse? Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this  episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart discusses the rise and fall of empires. Including the reality that one day the United States of America may collapse. How could this happen and what…
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November 18, 2016 0