Category: Health

Creatures That Bite and Sting!

Creatures That Bite and Sting Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided! They bite, sting and some may be lethal others even make your skin itch and crawl. So the kids have asked for it and we are going to discuss it. That’s right! All the things that bite and sting. “The creepy crawlies.” We…
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July 29, 2018 0

Respect your Elders the Elderberry!

Respect your Elders the Elderberry! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Respect your Elders, the Elderberry! Pretty sure nearly all of us have heard that command at one time or the other, and in reality it’s good advice! And as much as I do respect my elders they aren’t what or who this…
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July 25, 2018 0

Beat the Stress Remain Calm

Beat the Stress Remain Calm Host: Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided Have you ever been in a Stressful or frightening situation, Well REMAIN CALM. We will go further in depth of techniques and ways a keeping your head when the moment at hand begs to differ. This advice will cover information on adults,…
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July 15, 2018 0

Sepsis – Blood Poisoning Fast Lane to Death!

Sepsis – Blood Poisoning Fast Lane to Death Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! What do you think of when you hear the words Sepsis, Septicemia, or better known as blood poisoning? Does the elderly come to mind? Perhaps you think of a grandparent that passed away after contracting it while in the hospital…
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July 14, 2018 0

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! The dive bombers aka heat seeking missiles of summer have arrived in full force and have invaded our lives. They strike like stealth missiles and and their attack always leaves it’s mark, often for days! The dreaded mosquito. Depending upon where…
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June 27, 2018 0

In this case White is Right!

In this case White is Right! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Now before you get all excited and or angry with White is Right. The show has nothing to do with political correctness but rather what we put in our bodies. Many have heard of the diet where basically you just don’t…
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June 20, 2018 0

Walking on Sunshine: Natural Health!

Walking on Sunshine: Natural Health! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Hey all you preppers out there the sun is shining at least up here in the wilds of the north. Temperatures are climbing and the golden rays of sunshine are flooding the landscape. A perfect time to get outside and enjoy. It’s…
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June 13, 2018 0

Digestion System and Complaints Part II

Digestion System and Complaints Part II Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This episode continues our series on the digestive system with a look at some viral and parasitic infections which are currently both common and generally easy to survive. However, in a post disaster scenario, could become far more serious. We will…
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June 4, 2018 0

Digestion Complaints and Natural Remedies

Digestion Complaints and Natural Remedies Listen in to The Herbal Prepper in player below for the first of a two-part series on herbs and other natural remedies for the digestion system. Part One will cover infections, while next week’s episode will cover chronic complaints. E-coli, salmonella, rotovirus, norovirus, giardia, botulism- nothing stops you in your tracks…
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May 28, 2018 0

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Continuing with our show from last week on medicinal honey and it’s wonderful medicinal properties, this week I will share with you some of my most favorite honey-based remedies. Learn how to use herbs to enhance honey for burn care, wound care, make homemade gummy candies,…
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May 21, 2018 0

The Dandelian, a boon to some bust for others!

The Dandelion a boon to some bust for others! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Now really how does one not smile at the brilliant yellow blossoms dotting the country side or perhaps your lawn each spring and summer! Ok Ok I know dandelions are one of the most common and despised weeds…
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May 16, 2018 0

Do lemons have legs?

Do lemons have legs? Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! The punch line to the old joke is do lemons have legs! Don’t get squimish on me, of course they don’t have legs but canaries do. I know bad! Bad! However, lemons have many other attributes that have gone unrecognized for far too…
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May 2, 2018 0

Lyme Disease Part 3

Lyme Disease Part 3 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Lyme disease, aka borreliosis, causes a range of symptoms and can lead to life-threatening conditions. Common Lyme symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, fibromyalgia-like pain, trouble sleeping, and difficulty with focus and memory. Left untreated, which is common, Lyme can move deep into the…
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April 23, 2018 0