Category: Health

Surviving, finding safety in numbers!

A healthy prepper or survival group is more than a happy one, it’s a group that can function as needed in order to carry out the day to day tasks required to survive an emergency situation.  Daily tasks become difficult to impossible when your whole group is sick with influenza or some other contagion that…
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July 13, 2013 1

Stab Wounds, Heat Stroke, Gun Control Laws!

In this episode of the Doom and Bloom Hour Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss how second amendment opponents may finally get their way, stab wound management and heat stroke. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones have been podcasting as the Doom and Bloom Hour for over two years. Their shows are focused on medical preparedness…
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July 7, 2013 0

Healthy mind and body!

As preppers one of our greatest concerns is health issues. Not only do we need to prep medical supplies but we need to find a way to stock up and store the medicines we take. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to reverse those things that happen as we age or experience…
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July 2, 2013 1

When Help is NOT on the Way

On today’s Doom and Bloom Hour, Sunday June 16, 2013, with Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones we discuss an exciting announcement! Our Second Edition has just been released! The new title is ” The Survival Medicine Handbook : When Help is NOT on the Way.” Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss asthma at length, including…
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June 16, 2013 0

Thyroid issues and the recent shortage of medications!

The Doom and Bloom Hour, with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discussed the crazy weather this country is experiencing. Also a review on our upcoming schedule this June and some changes coming to and our store site. Dr. Bones goes into details regarding thyroid issues and the recent shortage of medications to treat low…
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May 5, 2013 0

Preppers shying away from fitness!

Since we didn’t get to touch on fitness last week tonight we will go deep and discuss the importance of fitness in your toolbag. It’s not just about the physical conditioning! You know how there are certain issues in life we shy away from? We all deal with at least one pertinent issue that we…
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April 26, 2013 0