Category: Health

Revolution of Resolution, Stocking UP #3

Revolution of Resolution, Stocking UP #3 Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Nary a week until a new calendar replaces the one on the wall. 2014 will arrive whether we are ready or not. Media stories hoping to catch the attention, already shout the time for new Resolutions is nigh!! A time honored tradition…
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December 29, 2013 0

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures!

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures! Host: James “I Am Liberty” About a year ago my son was still very young and smearing me with sickness like nothing I had ever known. His body was creating disease that was just perfectly compatible with my own. I missed more work from legitimate sickness that year than…
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December 6, 2013 0

Crystals, Rocks and Gemstones for Healing!

Crystals, Rocks and Gemstones for Healing! Best of Prepper Broadcasting Diamonds are a girls best friend! This week join our visiting host Amy as she talks about the incredible value of crystals, rocks and gemstones. Crystals are used daily in our electronics but did you know they are superb tools for use in healing, water…
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December 3, 2013 2

Herbal Antivirals for Cold and Flu Season & More

Herbal Antivirals for Cold and Flu Season  Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” In last week’s podcast, Sam Coffman outlined a number of “herbal antibiotics” while explaining the context that herbs work within – which is different from the manner in which pharmaceutical medications work. This week Sam continues to discuss medicinal plants (Herbal Antivirals) that…
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November 12, 2013 0

Fitness and Disaster Preparedness

Fitness and Disaster Preparedness Host: Sam Coffman Functional fitness is a concept that describes practical, common-sense methods of both getting into shape and staying in shape. Like most things in our current American culture, it is easy to compartmentalize exercise into something that is separate from everyday life. Join Sam Coffman as he talks about…
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October 8, 2013 0

Coping with hygiene and sanitation, being #1 in the #2 business!

Hygiene and sanitation, how prepared are you really in regards to  and (in the worst case) coping with gasto-intestinal disease in a post-disaster environment?  Today, on The Human Path Sam Coffman discusses everything you ever wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t!) about purifying your water, taking care of human waste, and dealing…
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September 11, 2013 0

Were you prepared for wildfires and drought across the U.S.?

Is the end in site for the wildfires in Yosemite? Over 5,000 firefighters at Yosemite National Park are using all the means at their disposal and estimate 33% containment but drought is making progress difficult. The 163rd Wing of the California National Guard at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside is hoping to have access…
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September 1, 2013 0

Dr. Jean Dodds on health care for your pets!

Welcome to The Pet Prep Radio Show! Once again, we have another terrific show as my friend, Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM returns to the Show for another really informative hour as we discuss vital information about many serious issues regarding Heartworm, Fleas, Food Sensitivity and Itchy Skin Problems in Dogs! Known for her great knowledge…
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August 20, 2013 0

Our other friends, the effects of Rabies Vaccination!

Esteemed and World Renowned Veterinarian, Dr. Jean Dodds joins Sheri, “The Organic Pet Lady” this week on Pet Prep Radio! Dr. Jean is known for her work with: “The Rabies Challenge Fund”; Founding “Hemopet” (The First Blood Bank for Pets) and “Nutri-Scan”(a food sensitivity test for pets), just to name a couple of her accomplishments.…
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July 16, 2013 0

Surviving, finding safety in numbers!

A healthy prepper or survival group is more than a happy one, it’s a group that can function as needed in order to carry out the day to day tasks required to survive an emergency situation.  Daily tasks become difficult to impossible when your whole group is sick with influenza or some other contagion that…
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July 13, 2013 1

Stab Wounds, Heat Stroke, Gun Control Laws!

In this episode of the Doom and Bloom Hour Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss how second amendment opponents may finally get their way, stab wound management and heat stroke. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones have been podcasting as the Doom and Bloom Hour for over two years. Their shows are focused on medical preparedness…
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July 7, 2013 0

Healthy mind and body!

As preppers one of our greatest concerns is health issues. Not only do we need to prep medical supplies but we need to find a way to stock up and store the medicines we take. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to reverse those things that happen as we age or experience…
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July 2, 2013 1

When Help is NOT on the Way

On today’s Doom and Bloom Hour, Sunday June 16, 2013, with Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones we discuss an exciting announcement! Our Second Edition has just been released! The new title is ” The Survival Medicine Handbook : When Help is NOT on the Way.” Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss asthma at length, including…
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June 16, 2013 0