Category: Health

Health and Preparedness!

Health and Preparedness: How Healthy Are You? Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Our health is a major concern for many of us and rightfully so as the impacts of poor health reach into every aspect of our lives. In the world today we are bombarded daily with messages about products to increase or…
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December 12, 2017 0

Diabetes after an EMP

Diabetes after an EMP Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! In this episode, I cover some of the herbal, dietary, and glucose-monitoring strategies available for off-grid, post-disaster diabetes care. Diabetes is a serious condition in the best of times. Unfortunately, however, diabetics are particularly vulnerable to an EMP.

December 11, 2017 0

Joy in Preparedness!

Joy in Preparedness! Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! The Season of Joy is fast approaching with Thanksgiving Dinner 2017 but a memory and the vestiges of the Christmas Season appearing everywhere. This time of the year is commonly known as the Season of Joy. That being said and considering the time of the…
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December 6, 2017 0

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode?

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This special show is going in a different direction than originally planned. A number of things happened over the past week that have relevance to prepping that need to be said.

December 4, 2017 0

Prepper Fitness Plan!

Prepper Fitness Plan! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! It is early in the evening. The long day is leaning on me. The kids are too loud and the wife is unhappy. The house is a mess but we still have one more mountain to climb. There is a pit in my stomach…
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November 30, 2017 0

Exercising our Preparedness Muscle!

Exercising our Preparedness Muscle Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Becoming prepared in life covers a wide range of aspects and topics in our everyday lives, we often focus primarily on our basic disaster preparedness. There are websites ranging from governmental to private, profit and nonprofit all clamoring for our attention about becoming prepared.…
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November 29, 2017 0

The Planet Just Dodged a Plague For Now!

The Planet Just Dodged a Plague For Now! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Pneumonic plague, something most of us have only read about in history books, is back. The plague has popped up in Madagascar with over 1800 confirmed infections. Thankfully, antibiotics have been mostly successful, and looks like it is losing…
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November 20, 2017 0

The Dying: Knowing when to let go!

The Dying: Knowing when to let go! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below In this show we will be continuing the theme from last week. EK is back and will be discussing when to let a person die. One of the hardest and most loving things you can do is let a person go.…
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November 18, 2017 0

5 Tips to Prevent Sleep Deprivation

5 Tips to Prevent Sleep Deprivation  Six to eight hours of sleep every day is the amount of rest we need to keep our brain and body healthy and prepared for any challenge. When we’re young, we could manage with less sleep. But as we age, our ability to tolerate the sleep deprivation effects diminishes…
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November 14, 2017 1

Respiratory Rescue Herbs!

Respiratory Rescue Herbs Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! On this episode I’m talking about serious remedies for serious respiratory infections. I’ve been horridly sick, and I want to share with you what has worked to get over it, as well as to get some comfort from brutal flu and bronchitis symptoms.

November 13, 2017 1

SHTF Pest Control!

SHTF Pest Control Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! I do not know of a single human on this planet who enjoys mosquitoes, ticks, roaches, or creepy crawlies. Barring the entomologist in the world, being outside with bugs can mess up a perfect camping trip. Fortunately, there are many options to spray around and…
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November 11, 2017 0

A Rose by any other name?

A Rose by any other name? Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! In our busy world we often overlook what is right in front of us. In our quest to make things easier and better than, we forget that man still has yet to improve on Mother Nature. The rose for many has…
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November 8, 2017 0

Death and Dying!

Death and Dying Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show EK is back. She will be talking about a very tough topic. Death, dying, and the stages we all go through in the process. In this show we will be discussing what stages a person goes through when they know they are…
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November 4, 2017 0