Category: Disaster

Preppers Live: 1st Half 2020 VS 2nd NBC Guy

Listen to “Preppers LIVE: 1st Half 2020 VS Second Half” on Spreaker. 0 (13s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (33s): 1 (46s): CBN family. What is up James Walton here…
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August 18, 2020 0

SitRep, Riot Survival: 3, and Self-Defense with The Gunmetal Armory

Listen to “TGA- SitRep, Riot Survival: 3, and Self-Defense” on Spreaker. 0 (14s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button, create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 1 (41s): Welcome to the gun metal armory. Here’s your host. Dave Cain was…
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August 7, 2020 0

Love and War with I AM Liberty

Listen to “Love and War with I AM Liberty” on Spreaker. 0 (15s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (43s): 1 (55s): A break between the lunch or the dinner rushes.…
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July 30, 2020 0

Patriot Power Hour (Episode 105) w/ Dave Jones the NBC Guy

Listen to “Patriot Power Hour (Episode 105) – Feat. Dave Jones the NBC Guy!” on Spreaker. 0 (2s): What do you want statement of purpose? Should I email you sort of put this on your action item list? You decide your level of involvement. We all the prepper broadcasting network, 1 (59s): You are now…
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July 22, 2020 0

Conspiracy Theories and Prepping – The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Conspiracy Theories and Prepping – The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (12s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (48s): 1 (1m 9s): Hello everyone. And welcome to the…
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July 15, 2020 0

Prepare For Your Family Not Your Fantasy

Listen to “Prepare For Your Family Not Your Fantasy w/ Jordan Smith on I AM Liberty” on Spreaker. Now more than ever we are seeing people with eyes wide open to prepping. When I started prepping I made some SERIOUS mistakes that cost me money upfront that I could have better used elsewhere. It took…
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May 26, 2020 2

Surviving Life on the Otherside of COVID-19

This is our last great warning. We will never have an opportunity like this. This is an opportunity for change but its for change at our own pace. We can decide we want the change and we can take our time with it. We can really make it fit. Never again will the world be…
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May 19, 2020 1

7 Tips to Effectively Teach Students Disaster Preparedness

Unexpected disasters can leave unprepared students in a state of shock and cause more risk for everyone present. Teaching students how to deal with disasters can be a huge step towards improving their safety and increasing their preparedness in such situations. Knowing how to act safely is not something that they will understand on their…
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February 25, 2020 0

What You Should Do If Your Vacation Destination Is Affected by a Natural Disaster

What You Should Do If Your Vacation Destination Is Affected by a Natural Disaster   Nobody wants to think about natural disasters when planning a vacation … and all too often, people don’t. You’ve chosen to travel when the weather’s best, when the skies are clear and blue — what could possibly go wrong?  …
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January 21, 2020 0

The Virginia Rally: Realtime Boots on the Ground

Photo Credit: Gabby Orcutt (To listen in on chatter during the event, be sure to join the channel on Zello or Discord. Also, VA State Capitol Alerts)   The line in the sand has been drawn. You stand on one side or the other. A cyclone fence is all that protects you from chaos. A…
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January 19, 2020 3

How to Prevent an Apocalyptic Pandemic

There are many ways that our world may end, and sweeping sickness is one of the most likely scenarios. Many experts believe that the next global pandemic is not too far off, and if it does strike, millions of people could die. Luckily, it doesn’t have to get that far as there are many ways…
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November 5, 2019 0

Is Prepping Dead?

  Something is happening. All over the nation, online and off, people are asking the same question:Is prepping dead? The Great Fall of Prepping Have we witnessed “peak prepping” in this nation? The Swedes are gung ho and their government is supporting efforts for their people to get prepared for disaster. Its a very admirable…
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July 7, 2019 8

Late Planting for Preppers – The Next Generation Show

We’ve suffered like much of the rest of the country when it comes to the garden out back. Luckily, our losses aren’t quite as significant as the farmers who have millions of dollars on the line. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the wheat, barley and chickpea fields are doing great. And yet in my garden…
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June 25, 2019 0