Author: Ryan Buford

The Virginia Rally: Realtime Boots on the Ground

Photo Credit: Gabby Orcutt (To listen in on chatter during the event, be sure to join the channel on Zello or Discord. Also, VA State Capitol Alerts)   The line in the sand has been drawn. You stand on one side or the other. A cyclone fence is all that protects you from chaos. A…
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January 19, 2020 3

Teamwork and Survival – The Next Generation Show

Preppers put a lot of stake in their ability to go it alone. To survive without the help of others. But with family in tow, it’s hard to make that fantasy a reality. So what’s the solution? Teamwork. This week on the Next Generation Show, we will be going through our recent dry run for…
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July 30, 2019 0

Berries and Wild Forage – The Next Generation Show!

Wild edibles are seldom sourced by preppers, but a highly useful survival skill. It takes a significant amount of knowledge base and experience to be able to safely identify a plant for eating. So where do you start? This week on the Next Generation Show, we share some of our experiences with wild berry picking,…
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July 23, 2019 0

Late Planting for Preppers – The Next Generation Show

We’ve suffered like much of the rest of the country when it comes to the garden out back. Luckily, our losses aren’t quite as significant as the farmers who have millions of dollars on the line. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the wheat, barley and chickpea fields are doing great. And yet in my garden…
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June 25, 2019 0

A Bug Out Vehicle from Scratch – The Next Generation

Let’s face it – Bug Out Vehicles are sexy. At least in the movies and in prepper fiction. But what goes into making a vehicle something that can withstand a solar storm, a natural disaster, or a roving horde? It could be the storm chasers that track tornados, or the bomb-proof disaster vehicles outfitted by…
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June 18, 2019 0

A Year in the Books! – Anniversary Show with The Next Generation Show

This week we reach a milestone on the Next Generation Show – One year on air sharing prepper tips and tricks, guest speakers and Pint-Sized Prepper Projects with our amazing listeners! So this week we reflect on the best of over the past year and what we learned along the way. Taking time to look…
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June 11, 2019 0

Is Chuck Norris a Prepper?! – The Next Generation Show

This week, we revisit what it means to be a prepper – beyond the façade. Beyond the public opinion. Beyond the mold.  This is the second in a new series segment that we’ll be spacing out here and there on The Next Generation Show. In these segments we dissect some of the personality traits of…
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June 4, 2019 0

Modernizing Learning with The Next Generation

Education and the importance of a well-rounded education is a subtle theme or thread we’ve touched on over the past few months on this show. Sometimes we focus on a trade or a skill set. Sometimes we focus on a mindset. Sometimes we focus on timing or ability. But no matter what it is, we…
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May 28, 2019 0

Encouraging Young Entrepreneurs – The Next Generation Show

For many of us as kids we sought out to make a quick buck. Maybe it was just to get a piece of candy after school from the vending machines down the road. Maybe it was to save up for a new bike. Maybe it was for long-term savings. Whatever the reason to make money,…
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May 20, 2019 0

Urban Gardening With The Next Generation

One of the benefits of living on a homestead is leaving the urban world behind. But for many people that isn’t an option. So how can you go about creating a more self-sufficient lifestyle in an urban environment? Micro gardening. That’s right. Even in a concrete jungle, there are options that can provide a very…
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May 14, 2019 0

Exploration and Navigation on The Next Generation

Exploration and curiosity are some of the many gifts that children share with us as parents and adults. I remember encouraging my own kids with scavenger hunts and road trips and navigation exercises. And as they grow older, they’ll come to realize the value of simple navigation techniques. Whether they roam the planet, climb the…
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May 3, 2019 0

A Case for Horses in The Apocalypse – The Next Generation Show

Horses have been around for centuries, and without a doubt changed every culture they were introduced to. But in the last few decades, horsemanship has dwindled to a tiny fraction of what it once was. This week we are joined with prepping team Dale and Lisa of the Survivalist Prepper Podcast and Budget Equestrian to…
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April 27, 2019 0

“Give Me Shelter” – The Next Generation Show

Shelter is huge. Shelter keeps us shielded from harsh weather. Shelter allows us to function at a normal level. Shelter brings the most basic of comforts. But without it, we are exposed. Vulnerable. Extreme cold, or extreme heat, combined with either humidity or dry air has potential to significantly reduce our ability to survive. Last…
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April 20, 2019 0