Facing Fibromyalgia

Facing Fibromyalgia

June 25, 2017 Health Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper Treatment 0

Facing Fibromyalgia
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player at bottom of this post!

Facing FibromyalgiaListeners of Herbal Prepper Live have been asking for a fibromyalgia show for a while now. It’s a big topic, and this topic will have to be covered in multiple shows. But, we need to start somewhere. That starts tonight.

When we think of health care and prepping, we tend to think of acute injuries, like bullet wounds, lacerations, snakebites, hypothermia, or infections. We don’t always think about chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia.

However, given that the CDC estimates that one in every two adults in the United States has a chronic illness, preppers need to include preps for chronic illness too. It won’t be all the flashy stuff we see in survival movies or read about in survival books. It won’t all be bullet and knife wounds. Chronic illnesses will affect a lot more people.

Fibromyalgia means “pain in the muscle fibers”. Fibromyalgia involves body-wide pain, painful trigger points throughout the body, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, depression and/or anxiety, and trouble with memory. Approximately ten million people in the US population has fibromyalgia.

To make matters worse, there is no one, single cause for fibromyalgia. The symptoms do not even show up immediately after a triggering event. There are also many doctors who still give a diagnosis of fibromyalgia when a person has pain, and the doctor is stumped as to what the patient actually has.

In this episode, I will share my experiences working with fibromyalgia clients as a massage therapist and as an herbalist. There are also lifestyle and nutrition components for some cases of fibromyalgia. Just as there isn’t one cause for this body-wide pain, there isn’t just one approach to recovery from it. However, there are some options that may provide a way to manage fibromyalgia symptoms both right now, as well for when times get tough.
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