Medicinal Honey (Cont.) & St. John’s Wort

Medicinal Honey (Cont.) & St. John’s Wort

May 24, 2014 First Aid Health Herbal Prepper Medicine Plants 1

Medicinal Honey (Cont.) and St. John’s Wort
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live”

Medicinal Honey 759px-European_honey_bee_extracts_nectar (1)Continuing with our show from last week on medicinal honey and it’s wonderful medicinal properties, this week I will share with you some of my most favorite honey-based remedies. Learn how to use herbs to enhance honey for burn care, wound care, make homemade gummy candies, and medicinal syrups.

The rest of the show is going to cover the many wonderful properties of St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum . It’s like a medicine chest all in one little yellow flower. While it is often pigeon-holed as a mood enhancer, St. John’s Wort also has actions on the respiratory and muscular systems, as well as antiviral and analgesic properties.

5-25 St. John's Wort OilIn clinical studies, St. John’s Wort has been shown effective for mild to moderate depression. In my own practice, however, I have seen St. John’s Wort address more serious cases. The tincture of St. John’s Wort provides relief from violent coughing, including that associated with whooping cough and even tuberculosis. It can even be part of an asthma strategy if inhalers and other asthma medications were no longer available. It’s antiviral action is effective against the flu and herpes.

5-25 st-johns-wort-49034_640Still, it’s the deeply rich, red-colored infused oil that is highly prized by many for it’s ability to help heal nerve damage and soothe away aches and pains. The oil is both analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-inflammatory. It is an excellent choice for dealing with Lyme disease and fibromyalgia.

But what is most likely to capture the attention of preppers, especially those keen on the realities of what civil unrest would look like, St. John’s Wort has the ability to help heal wounds from the inside-out. It is especially helpful in speeding the healing of deep wounds, where threat of infection is the greatest.

Tune in to learn even more ways to use both honey and St. John’s Wort, and how to incorporate them into both your trauma kit and your home apothecary.
Medicinal Honey books HERE! St. Johns Wort HERE!
Herbal Prepper Website:

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