Zika Virus, should you worry?

Zika Virus, should you worry?

February 1, 2016 Health Herbal Prepper Herbs 0

Should you be worried about Zika virus?
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Zika virusYou may have heard that the World Health Organization (WHO) has described the Zika virus as ”spreading explosively”. Does this mean that the Zika virus is the next big pandemic? Should you be worried about the Zika virus?

1-31-16 Microcephaly-babyZika virus was once an obscure, rare flavivirus from Uganda. Spread by certain types of mosquitoes, which are also responsible for spreading malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. Zika virus can cause micro-encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). This can result in infants which are born with abnormally small heads if their mothers contracted the virus while pregnant. The condition is permanent and often fatal.

This episode of Herbal Prepper Live will break down the origins, risk factors, transmission, and the potential regions into which the Zika virus may spread. Any herbal protocol for this virus would be pure speculation, and I wouldn’t want to rely on that.

1-31-16 3280However, mosquito control is good general disease control, and there are effective herbal and essential oil options for mosquito repellents. Since we will soon be in the gardens again, we will talk about herbs to plant around doors, under windows, near porches, and elsewhere around your garden to minimize mosquitoes.

Zika is responsible for the record number of cases of micro-encephalitis it is causing in Brazil. The Brazilian government has even suggested that women not get pregnant for a few years until the outbreak is expected to end. There is currently no travel advisory for the general population. The only recommendation currently in effect is for pregnant women avoid traveling to areas with Zika virus.

However, this is also the first time that there are cases of adults also dying of Zika. Similar to what was seen with the Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus (MERS), mortality is mostly associated with pre-existing conditions, but not all cases. Clearly, there is a lot to discuss regarding the virus.

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