Producing Better Food in 2016

Producing Better Food in 2016

January 15, 2016 Food Health I Am Liberty 0

Producing Better Food in 2016
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Its been shown time and time Producingagain that what we put in our bodies directly affects things like performance and longevity. We are only a decade, at most, away from a revolutionary change in medicine where nutrition will take a stranglehold on prescription drugs. Of course that is a cartel in and of itself but people will begin to expect their doctor to offer sound advice on what foods and supplements minimize or eliminate their ailments before going to the orange bottle with the childproof white cap.

The great news about this is that with a little research and some planning we can turn our backyards,kitchen tables, terraces and sun rooms into health clinics.  To me there is  nothing more important that my overall health. Holding my three month old son I came to a stark realization that a parents #1 job is to be around. So really a parents #1 job is to take care of themselves and live a lifestyle that will assure this. We all can live longer and better by producing more of our own food or making better choices about what we eat.

Of course there are terrifying stories out there about whats hitting the shelves in the supermarket. We have to discuss them. We have Producingto talk chicken from China we have to talk about this terrible idea of food being produced outside this country. At the end of the day its consumed by your fellow man and will affect him in some way that will affect you in the long term. Its a new year and we are a couple months away from growing food again. Now is the time to discuss there things.

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