Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

November 2, 2015 Health Herbal Prepper Herbs Medical Treatment 0

The Pandemics Threat The Media Isn’t Talking About
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

11-1-15 Prepping for a PandemicsThis episode of Herbal Prepper Live will be cover the latest news on infectious diseases that should be in the news, but haven’t been. More importantly, how to do a Self Imposed Reverse Quarantine (SIRQ).

Unless you’re actively looking for information about infectious disease, you won’t hear much about pandemics threats on the nightly news these days. While the major new outlets may post a short article on their websites, the television new broadcasters have been silent on current, ongoing pandemics.

11-1-15 Hazmat_DEAThis has been the case ever since Ron Klain was appointed to the position of Ebola Response Coordinator, aka “Ebola Czar”. With no background in health or medicine, Klain’s appointment to this position is a shining example of the revolving door in politics. Within two week’s of being on the job, the media fell silent on Ebola, and any other potential pandemic disease.

There have, however, been some major developments:

  • The first recorded case of sexually transmitted Ebola
  • Ebola lives in the body much longer after symptoms are gone than previously thought.
  • 5 Super-Spreaders are responsible for 83% of the MERS cases in South Korea
  • Ebola and MERS can both relapse even after a person is “cured”.
  • New clusters of MERS patients are not from contact with camels, but from other people.
  • Military loses samples of plague and equine encephalitis viruses, and accidentally sends anthrax to the UK.

11-1-15 Food JarsSo, what can you do about any of this? Learn how to impose a successful SIRQ! This episode will cover various ways to secure your boundaries, what kinds of supplies you will need, and how long you will need them.

Pandemics happen. Between modern travel and human error, it is only a matter of time before the United States faces a major medical crisis. We have all seen how our government handles a crisis (Hurricans Katrina and Sandy jump to mind). Don’t get risk getting sick or stuck without necessary supplies. Learn how to protect yourself and your family with the information in this episode.
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