Fresh fish to boost your health

Fresh fish to boost your health

September 27, 2014 Food I Am Liberty Recipes 0

Using fresh fish to boost your health!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

fresh fishThere are statistics from the island of Crete that speak of men working into their 90’s! This is fascinating and due in large part to their great diet of locally sourced fishes, red wine, garlic and olive oil. Fish is a powerhouse at a relatively low cost in terms of cholesterol and saturated fats. Not to mention in a survival situation there really is no comparable food that will give you the protein for as minimal an amount of work.

Still, why wait till the world tilts on its access to enjoy great tasting fish. I was just reading at natural food that boost testosterone and tuna was one of those fishes that did just that. There are countless other health benefits when it comes to eating fish.

fresh fishTonight on I AM Liberty I want to talk about seasonal fishes and great preparations for them. Fish is such a versatile protein and can be creatively paired in many ways. I mean, hey, its harvest time and everyone is pulling great veg out of the garden. Lets talk about how to pair it with incredible fresh fish.

Most importantly I want to teach you how to source safe fish. Its important that if you are going to increase your intake of pescado than its important that you limit certain types to avoid insane amounts of chemicals fresh fishand heavy metals like mercury. We will talk about buying fish and what a fresh fish should look like, smell like and so on. Why the fish you ask? Well it was a request by one of my great fans. Ask and ye shall receive on I AM Liberty.

It will be a fishy night and I guarantee you will learn something exciting on this episode of I AM Liberty. Of course I will also drift up and downstream through the muddy creek of my mind to touch on politics, ISIS, droughts, food prices and whatever else might creep into my head. See you there.
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