Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster

Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster

March 28, 2014 Fitness Health Herbal Prepper Preppers 0

Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster
Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live

Chronic IllnessesTwo weeks ago, in my first broadcast, I mentioned an article that cited a rather startling figure. Seventy-five percent of all health care costs are now due to chronic disease. Keeping this in mind, the Centers for Disease control has posted to its website that seven our of ten deaths are from chronic disease, and that one in every two Americans have a chronic disease.

Combine this further with the fact that the CDC also goes on to state that the four leading causes of chronic illness are behavior or lifestyle related. This is your wake-up call, America.

Chronic IllnessesThis is the unfortunate result of a sickcare system, instead of an actual healthcare system. In this sickcare system, we taken in nutritionless, processed, food-substitutes, don’t move enough, and rely upon pharmaceuticals to manage whatever our current level of illness may be.

We can tolerate the effects of a sickcare system while times are still good, but what about when they go bad? What happens if those maintenance medications were to be suddenly in short supply? What would happen if we no longer had access to blood thinners, antidepressants, pain pills, insulin, or rescue inhalers?

Chronic IllnessesNow, for the good news. While not all chronic illness is directly attributable to behaviors and lifestyle, the overwhelming majority is. If you currently have a chronic illness, this means you can improve or even resolve it before the coming collapse. Regardless of how much food you have stored up, this could literally determine whether or not you survive a disaster.

But… what about those whose illnesses are not due to habits or diet? Or what about those who don’t totally resolve their illness before our way of life is disrupted? This is the heart of this week’s show, which will cover how herbalism and natural approaches can serve as a viable Plan B.

This show will touch on a variety of common conditions and provide examples of how one might address them if there were absolutely no conventional medical care available. Some of these conditions to be discussed are:
• Obesity
• Hypertension
• Elevated cholesterol
• Diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2
• Cancer
• Asthma
• Arthritis
May this episode inspire you to think about prepping for your long term health, and rethinking what is possible in caring for post-disaster chronic illnesses.
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