Brass Monkey Weather is Here!

Brass Monkey Weather is Here!

October 11, 2017 Preparedness Preppers Path Survival Tips Weather Winter 0

Brass Monkey Weather is Here – What da ya Do?
Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided!

Brass Monkey Weather is HereSakes alive it’s already Brass Monkey Weather! Brrrrrrrrrrr only early October and the car thermometer says it’s 28 degrees! That’s not the coldest weather of course but not being ready for the crispness of fall it’s darn chilly! What a morning! Thankfully Mother Nature nudged me a bit this morning with her show of frosty delights and I am not talking about ice cream or snow cones! Old Man Winter is on the way NOW!

Listen to this broadcast or download “Brass Monkey Weather is Here” in this player!

Time to stop speculating and get started winterizing! Winterizing is a wee more than checking the anti-freeze and servicing the furnace if you want to have a carefree winter. This week on A Preppers Path we’ll look at winterizing, not just the car or the house but ourselves as well. On the prepared side have you thought about cold weather shooting, exercising and the lot. I just heard someone yawn and whisper boring? I already know what to do. Perhaps you do and then again when the icy winds of November come early and the Cat’s away you just might find yourself some hot water disguised as Cold Water literally!

Lynna is back with the second show of the relaunch of A Preppers Path with tips and easy to apply steps to ensure your home, car and fingers will stay in tip top shape as the temperature dips, the winds ice up and the sun sets before you are even off work. We aren’t talking about just adding anti-freeze or shutting off the outside faucets, or slipping on some extra layers. Most of us at least who live in a locale where below freezing weather is a norm know the basics, do we always apply them in a timely manner? For the rest of us who don’t live in a seasons location winter still comes or you may travel through the icy landscape on the way to grandma’s house. Tune in as talk about the tried and true and open your eyes with preps for winterization you’ve never heard before.

If this keeps up you can bet there will be a pot of stew and biscuits on and a cuppa joe or hot chocolate all brewing this Tuesday October 10th. So join the fun at Prepper Broadcasting 6pm pst.

Q: If you live in an igloo, what’s the worst thing about global warming?
A: No privacy!
Q: What did the icy road say to the truck?
A: “Want to go for a spin?”
And finally, OK I am sorry in advance but it made me snort… and I was born one it just turned dark.
Q: Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?
A: You have to hollow out the head. Hahahahahaha! See ya Tuesday Night!

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