Summer Heat Tips to Stay Cool!

Summer Heat Tips to Stay Cool!

June 16, 2017 APN Report Survival Tips Weather 0

Summer Heat Tips to Stay Cool!
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player provided!

Summer Heat Tips to Stay CoolNo doubt about it, summer is coming on strong. I don’t know about you but I’m built more for cooler climates… I naturally have a layer of fat that would allow me to backstroke in ice-choked water if I was a seal. That means when the summer heat cranks up I’m not a happy camper unless there’s ice in my glass of tea.

So, for the next few months, keeping cool is first & foremost on my mind & I’m sure I’m not alone. Back in the days before air conditioning it was common for those who could afford it to leave the hot stifling confines of the big city for cooler conditions along an ocean or lake shore.

Most of the beach-side communities popular today were originally built around the landed gentry keeping a summer home along the shore. There’s science behind that… warm dry air is cooled when passed over water, moisture evaporation causes the air to become cooler. And that phenomena can be applied in imaginative ways to keep your cool this summer, and in summers to come. We’ll be talking about that this week.

Join us Thursday night 9 PM EST as we discuss some chilling ideas, be sure to tae notes, for we’ll be covering some ideas you can apply in your household that can help bring the temperature down. You be chilling in no time with some of these neat tips.
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