Should We Prepare for Climate Change?

Should We Prepare for Climate Change?

October 13, 2016 I Am Liberty Preparedness Weather 0

Should We Prepare for Climate Change?
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below!

Should We Prepare for Climate ChangeThroughout the history of the earth the climate has been changing. Our ancestors faced the onset of the ice age which was a tremendous swing in climate. This extreme change stifled our growth but we somehow eked it out. There are some who believe this change was brought on by some sort of cosmic collision with another large body, probably asteroid or comet. This is not a far fetched idea in and of itself. Either way we have dealt with climate change throughout the ages. Are we in a position to begin preparing for another extreme climate event?

10-12-16-1024px-james_river_ab2In this show we talk about the evidence. This is a topic I rarely get into. Not because I am scared of it but because it takes a lot of research to do well. It also takes a very middle of the road mind to get it off the ground and really examine it. Its also important that we keep in mind there is only so much of this life we are in control of. We are spinning through the vast expanse of space on a the only known planet that supports life. We are spinning around a fireball that is hundreds of times the size of us and all the while we are dodging comets and asteroids. Nothing is promised here.

i-am-liberty-400x300We will examine several different theories about judging the climate and also talk about mans involvement as well as how civilizations have survived such changes in the past. The fact is this too shall pass and we will get through the warming period. In fact it is a well known fact that warming periods through history are times of abundance and growth. It’s the cold that usually winds up killing us off in grand numbers. Don’t miss this episode of I AM Liberty.
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