Home Water Purification for Disaster Preparedness

Home Water Purification for Disaster Preparedness

November 3, 2021 Water water collection and storage Water Purification 0

No matter how prepared you are for a disaster, the one thing that will always be in short supply is clean water. It’s important to have a plan for purifying your drinking water and making it safe to drink. There are many types of water filters on the market, but not all will do an effective job of removing contaminants from your drinking water. Read on to understand the tips about what kind of filter you need so you can stay hydrated during this hurricane season.

1. Water Filters

The Berkey water filter is a preparedness solution for storing potable drinking water. This Berkey system is one of the best options for emergency preparedness because you can use it with any storage container, including plastic gallon containers and five-gallon jugs. 


A water filter can help remove 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, cysts, and parasites from contaminated water sources. The Berkey also reduces heavy metals like lead and mercury by removing them at their source before they get absorbed into the body through ingestion or skin contact with contaminated liquids. It is best to secure a berkey water filter for emergency preparedness.

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2. Purify Water With Chlorine Tablets, Iodine Tablets, Or A Filter


To purify water, one can either use chlorine tablets, iodine tablets, or a filter. A chlorine tablet is an over-the-counter medication that the FDA has approved for water purification purposes. The chlorine tablet effectively kills bacteria and other contaminants but does not remove dirt and sediment from the water. This will leave you with water that tastes and smells of chlorine.

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Iodine is also used to purify water and comes in liquid, solid blocks, or pill form. Iodine dissolves easily, so it requires little effort to add it to the contaminated water supply. It is effective in removing contaminants such as bacteria, but there are some downsides, such as the fact that the residue is hard to remove and does not work well in cold water.


3. Install A Whole-House Filtration System


Installing a whole-house filtration system to protect your home from contamination and bacteria is a good idea for disaster preparedness. Most of the contaminants in the water supply come from agricultural runoff, industrial wastes, and failing septic systems. Septic systems can fail because they were not adequately designed, installed, or maintained.


Filter out the impurities before they get into your home’s water supply with a whole-house filtration system. A whole-house filtration system helps purify all the household’s water by taking it in at one point and piping it through various stages of filtration. Some units also sterilize the water with ultraviolet light.


4. Get Into The Habit Of Flushing Toilets Only When Necessary


The average person flushes their toilet 5-7 times per day, totaling up to 2,000 gallons of water each year. That’s enough water for two households during drought conditions. And if you live in an area where it rains less than 50 inches per year (like Southern California), that means your toilet may be using as much or more than what falls from the sky all year.


So how do you break this habit? Stop flushing your toilet unless necessary. If you must flush, use water-saving gadgets like a low flow or dual flush system to make the most of what you’ve got. Also, it’s important only to use toilets for their intended purpose. Don’t allow pets in the bathroom, and make sure children understand not to flush anything other than waste and tissue paper.


5. Purify Water By Boiling It


Boiling kills all living organisms in the water and will not allow any new ones to enter. It also removes some sources of contamination, like chemicals that could get dissolved in your water source. If you have water, bring it to a full boil for 5 minutes. The longer you boil it, the more effective it is at killing germs.


Boiling water does not take out toxins that can make you sick if consumed over an extended period. When using boiling as your primary purification method, be sure to cool down the water before drinking it. It will be hot, so use a container to hold the water and cool it down by letting the air circulate it or stirring the water occasionally.


You don’t have to be living in a disaster-prone area to need water purification. Whether it’s an emergency or you are traveling, the right kind of equipment can make all the difference when having safe drinking water is important. Get prepared for your next adventure with some helpful tips on what type of system may work best for your needs and how much space you will need for storage.

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