The Women of Prepping

The Women of Prepping

March 31, 2020 Best of Uncategorized 1

” I cannot get my spouse on board with my prepping!”

That is a dilemma that we hear from people in prepping all the time. Not until I met Jordan Smith did I realize that this dilemma affected women just as much as it did men. I can understand the men who wanna hide guns in the walls and build side tables from five-gallon buckets filled with food storage. Many women are gonna have a problem with their laundry room being filled with food storage and preps.

It didn’t take long for me to understand that Jordan could be a leader and a voice for women preppers. She has proven week over week to be a strong voice not just for women and not just for preppers but also for the Prepper Broadcasting. She was once a lady in the chat room who showed up week after week.

So much of life is about just showing up!

On Saturday, March 27th, 2020, Jordan hit the airwaves an hour early for a very special episode of A Family Affair. The show started early due to the threat of severe weather and tornadic activity in Jordan’s home state. In true prepper fashion, she was prepared and The Women of Prepping Roundtable took the airwaves.

Listen to “Women of Prepping Roundtable with A Family affair” on Spreaker.

This was an outstanding look at prepping from a woman’s point of view. You won’t find another podcast like this one. If you are a prepper or know a woman who is a prepper or wants to explore that, listen to this podcast!

There was an incredible list of women who came together to answer questions on the following topics and much more.

  • What Makes a Lady Prepper?
  • Women Prepper Challenges
  • Where can Woman Preppers Get Started

It’s amazing the impact that 7 women can have on a person’s lifestyle. Astounding really, when you consider that this episode will empower a number of people to start prepping and having those conversations. An enormous thank you must go out to all of the women who participated in this show. This could not have happened at a better time.

From the Intrepid Commander

This is coming from James Walton, and I can say with confidence that many women are looking around at the world and have genuine fear. If they are disconnected from a life of self-reliance and independence they see their world disappearing before their very eyes. They do not know what’s to come. They could be shacked up with a man who is not prepared to deal with the chaos that is coming from COVID-19 either!

For the many women out there looking to make a change, we are witnessing a historical moment for all the people on this planet. This great podcast could be the catalyst that pushes many more women into the preparedness lifestyle.

I would just like to say WELCOME! You will find a community of welcoming men and women here at PBN. Come join the family and understand that you can survive the calamity thrown your way, even this most severe instance that we are living through today. It all starts with the first steps.

Every one of these women you heard tonight just put one foot in front of the other, each day, to live a life of self-reliance and independence.



One Response

  1. Dane says:

    I LOVE that picture!! Thats awesome!

    I think that women and prepping have ALWAYS gone hand and hand. I think that many women will find, if they arent already prepping, that it comes quite easily to them.

    Just my 2 cents.

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