The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path

The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path

March 28, 2018 Uncategorized 0

The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path!
Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path”
The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path
The so dubbed Prepper Movement has opened eyes in every sector of society, from wealthy to poor, the environmentalist to the throw away aficionado.  In some way each of us has or is thinking about doing things differently.  Being more prepared in one aspect or another, in looking at alternatives to what has become normal. Unless you are a stockholder in a pharmaceutical firm you are definitely interested in complementary alternatives to high priced synthetic drugs, as well as the ongoing availability and safety of these creations. Enter the time tested herb, of which of course all medicines in their pure forms were originally derived. Thankfully with the renaissance of self-sufficiency and reliance people today are once again discovering the wonders of the herb.  The herb a simple, prolific, and cost effective remedy of the ages for all ages.

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Herbal Prepper Live150A Preppers Path is fortunate to have a guest who has re-discovered the world of herbs and their benefits to man and animal.  Herbs have such a variety of use, many already use them in the kitchen, culinary herbs enhancing the flavors and nutrition of our foods, providing healthy food with flavor while protecting us from the over use of salts and more.  Herbs are much more than a culinary delight, look at any well- tended garden and you are sure to see beautiful foliage, color and oh the aroma all courtesy of herbs, and then there’s the medical herb offering not only treatment to relieve symptom, put prevention as well.  In deed the herb is a multi-faceted and talented addition to any ones way of life.   Herbs are for everyone and found everywhere.

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