Step by Step Prepper Community

Step by Step Prepper Community

February 23, 2020 Uncategorized 0

For those of you who have been following the I AM Liberty Show for years, you know my stance and experience on community. It became painfully obvious that no amount of prepping would ever get us to self sufficiency and security. Without a group of people its just not plausible. So I wanted to start a prepper community

The other thing about me is: I’m not going anywhere.

I never liked the idea of creating an Avengers style group of people who have been pieced together to survive the apocalypse together. My biggest problem, whose house we meetin at?

I don’t want to leave my house.

So my goal was very simple. I just wanted to create community in my neighborhood.

Listen to “The Step by Step Prepper Community” on Spreaker.

No You Wont Like Everyone

Most preppers that I talk to tell me that all of their neighbors are wastes. They tell me in a disaster they will be more of a problem They tell me they don’t have the patience to work with these kinds of people.

Well, if you are this kind of person than this article, the podcast and my book are not going t help you very much. The truth is , its hard work and you will be gaining very little ground. However, in a disaster you are going to want a community of people who are invested in the neighborhood you stand in. If you nurture that with three easy steps you can make a big difference.

Come Unity; Community

In 2013 I published a book called Come Unity; Community. This was my answer for the community problem but also my blueprint to stay on track for the future. I wanted to make my nieghborhood cohesive and instill 3 important things. Those three are very simple and take some work to prepare. However, they are easy to understand and get great buy in from almost everyone!

  1. Community Garden
  2. Communications Method
  3. Neighborhood Watch

The book is about much more than those three things and really outlines what your struggles will be and some of the fun steps you can take after you make these connections. Of course, it also goes in great detail on how you achieve three tasks mentioned above. Get a copy!


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