(((Ranters Radio))) Wednesday 8:00pm/Central
Tired of Obama? Sick of media coverage of Chaz Bone? Just generally fed up with the direction things are headed? Everybody heard about California passing the tanning booth ban, but did you hear about Gov. Brown signing the Open Carry Gun ban? I Didn’t think so… Lets talk about it on (((Ranters Radio))) On this weeks show we will be discussing Socialism in American politics, Obama’s failure to lead, and other political travesties in our country. Join us “LIVE” Wed 6pm PST and join our Revolution!
On Ranters News we will draw the line in the proverbial sand, here, now, and will not waiver in our commitment to stop socialism in the country.
We will also feature frequent live guests, human interest stories, and current events.
Steve is also known for having the best sideburns in the business.
Wednesday 9/12/2011 8:00pm/Central
Go to Listen and Chat tab above for show!
Government Independence Obama prepper Ranters Radio Self Reliance