Prepper Tv is here and worth a look!

Prepper Tv is here and worth a look!

January 3, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Prepper TV is something I have been wanting  for some time. Not like regular television but internet television. The original idea was to live stream many of the more popular survival/prepper experts on a set schedule much like a conventional television network. Along with this live streaming would have been the interactive chat room. The combination of the two, live stream video and interactive chat I believe would have created an extremely nice atmosphere where viewers could interact with each other and the host while watching a program.

After many hours of research and planning I have learned that while doable, time involved will not permit me to keep improving on Prepper Broadcasting while building Prepper TV at the same time. I have decided to take a different approach to Prepper TV that I believe in the end will work out much better.

Prepper TV will not provide live streaming at this time but will still highlight some of the best Prepper/Survivalist You tubers on the internet. Those Prepper/Survivalist that are involved in this network will have their own page on Prepper TV. This page will contain a little information about this person as well as his library of videos available to watch at your convenience. Each of these You tubers or “Hosts” will also take turns in highlighting a special video of their choosing with a story about the video on the main page of the website. The chat room will remain for I believe as the popularity of the network increases so will the interaction in the chat room.

Please visit look around and give me your thoughts and or ideas on the Contact Us page. There is not a whole lot there right now but changes are coming fast and impute is more than welcome. At some point in the future live stream will still happen.

I am still in need of more prepper, survivalist you tubers to build pages around for this site. This site ranks high in the first couple of pages of search engines and will be a great way to promote your you tubes. I hope you will visit, look around, post a comment, and like us on Facebook there. If you are a survivalist, prepper you tuber and are interested in joining us please let me know.

Thanks, Gman


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