National Preparedness Month by Lynna…A Preppers Path

National Preparedness Month by Lynna…A Preppers Path

August 22, 2011 Uncategorized 0

As we begin the final two weeks of August 2011 stories already begin to surface with reference to 9/11/2001. A day that shocked a Nation changing perspecitves of national and personal safety. The entire world rocked and changed. In a few short weeks the 10th anniversary of that day will arrive. Our powers that be have designated September as National Preparedness Month. Preparedness is a multi faceted concept, an actual living state of being. It is not something one can just do and put away, it is a way of life that brings peace of mind and clarity. Take time in the coming month to learn a new skill, talk with friends and neighbors and move toward a strong, resilent and self sustainable lifestyle.


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