If you are a prepper and you are canning food you need to watch this!

If you are a prepper and you are canning food you need to watch this!

February 21, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Listen to this episode in blogtalk player below youtube video!
If you can or if you have never canned here is a great opportunity to learn and pick up on some great ideas. If it has been canned or can be canned Bexar Prepper more than likely has done it. She will be the guest this Wednesday on Prepper Broadcasting. Listening to the show is only half of it. Join in the interactive chat room and share ideas or ask questions with other “canners” in the know. Call in and ask questions of our guest or share with us your own tips. This show will be extended an extra half hour to cover as much information as possible. Link and time listed below.

Wednesday 1/29/2012 9:00pm/Est. 8:00pm/Ct. 7:00pm/Mt. 6:00pm/Pt

Listen to internet radio with PrepperBroadcastingNetwork on Blog Talk Radio

All shows and there archives go to https://pbnfamily.com/show-schedule/


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