Galt Strike & Owner Tom Martin of A.P.N.

Galt Strike & Owner Tom Martin of A.P.N.

May 13, 2016 Uncategorized 0

Galt Strike & Owner Tom Martin of A.P.N.
Bobby Akart “Prepping for Tomorrow

galt strike logoOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, we’ll join the fray and dive into the subject of politics, from a prepper’s perspective. First, I’ll take a moment to introduce our listeners to, a prepper-oriented website designed to raise awareness of political happenings of importance to the preparedness community.

Special Update: Tom will be our special guest to talk about why Galt Strike was created and what his goals for the website are?

Galt StrikeThis presidential primary season (“silly season”), has been full of attacks and counter-attacks. Negativity is the norm on social media as friends butt heads extoling the virtues of their candidates, and the shortcomings of others. Like so many, I’m campaign-weary. I’m sure you are sick and tired of the negativity as well.

Many of the visitors to the Galt Strikewebsite are seasoned in the world of politics and aren’t looking for voting advice. Quite a few visitors are like-minded preppers. In this week’s episode, I hope to bring all of you together for the purposes of discussing the political issues most important to preparedness community. We’ll also help you determine where you fall in the political spectrum.

What are the political issues of importance to preppers? The Second Amendment always comes to mind. National Defense, economic policy, and immigration are all important considerations in choosing a president. Here are some other legislative matters which may have passed under your radar—the militarization of your local law enforcement, privacy issues surrounding the Department of Homeland Security activities, the education of our children, and the government’s involvement in energy issues, to name a few.

Finally, I hear from some who feel they don’t like either candidate or simply don’t trust government, no matter which party holds the reins. “I’m sitting this one out”, one might say. If you’re one of those people, please know that as you withhold your vote, you convey the message that your vote doesn’t matter. Your vote does matter. Whether in the political electoral process or in the political activist realm, participate in a way that makes you comfortable. Do not let your apathy provide an excuse to avoid exercising your constitutional right to decide who will lead our great country for years to come. Let your voice be heard.
Join in the conversation as I enter into the den of political lions on the Prepping for Tomorrow program Thursday night! Join the discussion without fear, but be prepared to passionately defend your positions.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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