Do you want the Prepping, Survival information that matters?

Do you want the Prepping, Survival information that matters?

January 29, 2012 Uncategorized 0

The Prepper Broadcasting Network is a website oriented to individuals who believe in being aware, being prepared, and having a plan. PBN users will find it all with tried and true programming and a wide variety of programs answering the rapidly growing concerns and needs of the listener, as well as providing the opportunity to interact directly with show hosts or to download previously aired programs.

Broadcasts are designed to involve the listener, answering the 5 W’s of who, what, when, where, why and the how to of being prepared. Whether the event is a minor cut or sprain to economic collapse to natural disasters of all types PBN provides the elements required to weather any storm of life. Striving to teach self- reliance and independence through informing the people of local, state, national and worldwide matters that could affect daily life, PBN is here for you.

All involved here at PBN are adamant in promoting a survival, preparedness sustainable lifestyle readily accessible to the masses.

Learn and explore more about this exciting and innovative website by getting to know the many hosts, their shows and what they can do for you. Listen to live broadcasts, download aired programming or join the live chat and share your experience. Stay Informed with PBN.

Promote yourself, and your website or blog. Share with others Self Reliance and Independence. It’s easy, a lot of fun, and very rewarding. Be a guest or host your own show on our network and get to know many well- known names in the Prepper, Survivalist community. We are the fastest growing network, featured on

American Preppers Network


Prepper Directory


And many more. If you have just the slightest of interest or questions, don’t hesitate contact me.



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