September 23, 2016 freedom Government Preparedness Prepping for Tomorrow Terrorism 0

Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Listen in player below!

THE TERROR THREATFor the next two weeks on thePrepping for Tomorrow program, we’ll address one of the biggest concerns on the minds of most Americans—Terrorism.  On this special episode of Prepping for Tomorrow, bestselling author Bobby Akart will discuss the realistic threats we face from terrorist activities, and how Americans can be prepared.

To win the long war against terrorism, America must adapt to ever-changing threats. The terror threat is in one of the most discussed, written about and analysed aspects of modern life. Terrorist acts have become a daily headline to the point many Americans are jaded to the potential threats our nation faces. Frankly, terrorism works. Adolf Hitler once wrote, “terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.

9-22-16-terrorist1Terrorism is a special type of violence. It is a tactic used in peace, conflict, and war. The threat of terrorism is ever present, and an attack is likely to occur when least expected. Combating terrorism requires a continuous state of awareness; it’s a necessary practice rather than a type of military operation.

Our discussion will center on the following key issues:

  • What does terrorism involve?
  • What are terrorists trying to achieve?
  • Who can be classified as a terrorist—foreign versus domestic (home-grown)?
  • What weapons are available to terrorists?
  • What can the average American do to be safe and prepare?

The conversation will also include a terrorism threat analysis ranging from the capabilities of the lone wolf terrorist to the potential of dealing a devastating blow to our nation’s critical infrastructure by state sponsored terrorists. The terror threat is real, and threatens our nation from without, as well as within, our borders.

9-22-16-child_terroristFinally, we’ll review the new breed of terrorist—the children. While our kids are riding bicycles with safety helmets and knee pads, the children of jihadists are growing up in their father’s footsteps. In the future, how will we stack up against those who are willing to die in the name of their religion?

Because you never know when the day before, is the day before. Prepare for Tomorrow.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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