Tag: winter

Winter Time Water Procurement

Winter Time Water Procurement! Ryan & Colin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Even in the dead of winter, water is the greatest source of life we have. But winter has its own challenges when it comes to access to water. Cold temperatures often wreak havoc on the typical water sources. Take a look…
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December 29, 2018 0

Winter Survival & Preparedness!

Winter Survival & Preparedness Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy we cover something essential for this time of year. Winter survival. Every year we hear about American’s going off the roads and getting stranded. Even worse, we hear about people freezing to death in their…
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January 14, 2017 0

Keeping Warm with Winter Preps!

Keeping Warm with Winter Preps! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below! BRRRRR! Getting cold out there! What are you doing to keep warm in the beginning months of winter? Well fall is almost over and winter is right upon us. In this episode I will be talking all about how to keep warm.…
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December 6, 2016 0

Winter Survival

Winter Survival Josh “7 P’s of survival” Listen in player below! In this episode of the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we will be talking all things winter survival and preparedness. While we are all most likely a few weeks away from out first major winter storm now is the time to stock up. Get…
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October 19, 2016 0

Winter Storm Preparations!

Winter Storm preparations! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Not entirely sure if this show will even come to pass. We are expecting high winds and heavy snow across my area at showtime and frankly this area doesn’t tend to fair well under such conditions. Power will go out and all the fun that goes along with…
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January 30, 2016 1

Winter Ready

Winter Ready Host: James and Mike “Survival Punk” This week the main topic is being winter ready. Winter is coming fast this year. James and Mike have some tips to be ready for it. How to keep your home warm. How to save some money this winter. The main places you will be are either…
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November 22, 2014 0

Keeping Your Chickens Happy in Winter!

Keeping Your Chickens Happy in Winter! Written and Lived by Stephanie Dayle Do you ever wonder if your chickens are cold in the middle of the winter? I know I do!  Here are some safe tips for keeping chickens in the winter that will help you and your chickens enjoy, or at least tolerate the…
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October 27, 2014 0

Surviving the Cold

Surviving the Cold! Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” It is said that shelter is important and should be sought first in a survival situation. More so if you are facing what could be the next ice age. How could it happen. The biggest culprit could br Magnetic reversals. How would that occur? To quote a…
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October 16, 2014 0

Winter Survival Tips

Winter Survival Tips As posted on APN With the shorter days, freezing conditions, wet weather and wind your chances of hypothermia increase.  Here are a few tips to keeping warm in the winter.

September 29, 2014 0

Winter is coming, Prepare Wisely!

Winter is coming, Prepare Wisely! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” The days are getting shorter and here in Virginia the humidity is beginning to wane. This means different things to different people. Some of us love the holidays and the cold weather. I love the former but hate the latter. This could also mean…
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September 20, 2014 0

Winter and Prepping, Staying the Course

Winter Prepping, Staying the Course Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” With the snow on the ground and the mercury closer to the bottom of the tube, many of us will semi retire to the warmth of the indoors for the next few months. Gone for now are the days of foraging, gardening, and preparing harvests.…
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December 14, 2013 0

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine! Host: Sam Coffman Depending on where you live in the USA, the time is upon us (and even a little past) for planting fall gardens. Sam Coffman talks through a myriad of subjects regarding growing our own food. Do you know how to properly prepare your garden soil?…
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October 1, 2013 0

Energy, This Prepper is Not Gonna Leave the Light On!

Sipping hot cocoa while contemplating the day ahead a chill pervaded the room. Glancing at the outdoor thermometer revealed the reason, 42 degrees and only September 5th. The realization that I better get the stove pipe repaired now, hit me. Autumn is on the way and in the natural course of things winter follows and…
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September 6, 2013 2