Tag: winners

Attitude in Prepping!

Attitude in Prepping! Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Whats the most important item in your preps? That question has been asked over & over, & answers run the gamut. Water, Food, Shelter, Defense, Mobility, you name it, the list can be endless. However, those in the business of teaching others the…
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November 6, 2016 0

Congratulations Winners!

Congratulations Winners! It’s not every day a large collection of some of the best in books all based around self reliance and independence wind up in your library. Our 3 lucky Winners will receive the entire collection below of the best in Prepper/Survival hard cover or paper back books, fiction and non-fiction!

April 15, 2016 0

World War III on Apocalypse Nana!

World War III Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” North Korea sets up posts on the border of South Korea, they have ballistic missiles that can travel over four thousand miles, all while negotiating with Russia with high tech fighter jets. The premises for a World War III. It all starts somewhere, whether it is the assignation…
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January 15, 2015 2