Tag: wilderness

Where should I find supplies in a SHTF scenario?

Where should I find supplies in a SHTF scenario? Once SHTF, things will go south in a hurry. Whatever the disaster is, we should expect grocery stores to be robbed, mobs to form, homes to be raided, any many available supplies taken. It is not a fantasy situation to imagine that gangs will go from…
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May 20, 2018 0

How to Make It Back Safe from the Woods

How to Make It Back Safe from the Woods Hiking is lots of fun, but most people spend very little time thinking about the things that can go wrong. We’re so used to being safe in our day-to-day lives that we cannot conceive anything bad happening to us. The fact that most us of have…
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April 22, 2018 1

Navigation & Survival when your GPS fails

Navigation & Survival when your GPS fails Ray Becker “This show” Audio player provided! We will begin with economic news for the week and look at the Markets and other economic indicators. On this broadcast, the new night for the Ray Becker show, we will go over something very critical; Navigation. Finding your way under…
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July 5, 2017 0

Life In The Remote Wilderness!

Life In The Remote Wilderness – Could You Do It? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Could you live in the remote wilderness?  Karen Lynn says she could rough it for a while but doesn’t know if she is as tough as Ron’s wife Johanna. Ron Melchiore is an Outdoorsman, Pioneer, Homesteader, Remote Exploration Camp Manager…
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September 7, 2016 0

Wilderness Search & Rescue!

Wilderness Search & Rescue! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” On this episode of the 7 P’s of Survival radio we have Tyler Anderson back on the show to talk about wilderness search and rescue. You may remember Tyler from the two shows he was on here last year. We talked about Mountaineering

August 3, 2016 0

The Death of Geraldine Largay a Case Study!

The death of Geraldine Largay a case study! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we will be doing a case study on the Appalachian Trail thru-hiker Geraldine Largay who became lost on the Appalachian Trail July 22, 2013, survived for at least 26 days, died from hunger/dehydration…
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June 15, 2016 0

Larry Roberts From History’s ALONE!

Larry Roberts From History’s ALONE Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” We have Larry Roberts from History Channels Alone on the show and we talk about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learned a little about his background we dig into what he decided to take on the…
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May 18, 2016 0

Mike Lowe From History’s ALONE

Mike Lowe From History’s ALONE Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” On this program we have Mike Lowe from History Channels Alone on the show and we talk about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learn a little about his background we dig into what he decided to…
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April 27, 2016 0

Wilderness self-reliance skills

Wilderness self-reliance skills! Live from the woods/trap line Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week I will be coming to you live from the woods/trap line (I hope technology doesn’t fail me) and we will be talking about outdoor skills training. There are

December 16, 2015 0

Into the Wild with Apocalypse Nana!

“Into the Wild’ Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” No matter what the survival situation, one must determine whether they dig in or run for the hills. Both choices are completely opposite and what you do while there and to prepare will surprise you. This week on Apocalypse Nana we visit the question, what is a…
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July 24, 2014 1

Primitive Skills, Putting Them to the Test: Do you have what it takes?

Primitive Skills, Putting Them to the Test: Do you have what it takes? Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path”   Thanks to television and the internet, there are a lot of misconceptions today about what it actually takes to survive in the woods. In our first-world environment in North America, we grow up now without…
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December 31, 2013 0

Krutch and “The Geography of Hope”

Krutch, Joseph Wood and The Geography of Hope! Join us for this broadcast as Goat Hollow reads for us an amazingly prophetic story written over 50 years ago. Deceased author Joseph Wood Krutch (November 25, 1893 – May 22, 1970) and his story of the Western frontier through his eyes relates his  vision of the wilderness as it was…
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September 25, 2013 0

Hope! The Simpleton and Common sense.

The following article, written over a half century ago, I recently stumbled across and for myself it was one that I could not let go of. I read and re-read several times, each leaving me with new visions of what was and what is, of what I hope to be and what I hope I…
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September 21, 2013 0