Tag: weight

Health, as a prep?

Health, as a prep? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided! As a prepper we often think we are supermen, we are above the curve, we know it all. Well don’t jump to too many conclusions there just yet. We as preppers have many aspects we have to control, one being health. I was…
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June 13, 2017 0

The Perfect Survival Knife!

How to Pick the Perfect Survival Knife By Tim Martinez of “The Knife Depot” Whether you’re picking up a survival knife to put in your bug-out bag or need a knife to carry out with you on outdoor adventures through the wilderness, it’s vital to pick out the perfect knife. Even though a survival knife…
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February 12, 2016 1

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE”

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE” Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Time for a little tough love. If you aren’t healthy, you aren’t prepped. This episode is going to be the first in a series of shows on various aspects of creating and increasing health. Because losing weight is such a popular…
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December 28, 2014 0