Tag: weapons

Preparing for Gun Control as Responsible Gun Owners!

Preparing for Gun Control as Responsible Gun Owners Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! While we have seen quite a bit of blame laid across the board I have noticed that the AR15 is taking a lot of heat. I have heard some of the solutions proposed and of course, for the…
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February 22, 2018 0

Primitive Weapons!

Primitive Weapons! Host: Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! This week on the GunMetal Armory, we  go much deeper into the Armory where we store the Primitive Weaponry. Our topics will cover things like the AtlAtl, throwing/thrusting spears, blow guns, clubs & impact weaponry, tomahawks & hatchets, knives, bow & arrow, arrowhead types, bolas,…
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February 2, 2018 0

Weapons, buying, caring for, and using knives and guns!

Weapons, buying, caring for, and using knives and guns! Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Buying, caring for and using knives and guns can be overwhelming to a lot of people. Learning enough practical information about these very important tools and weapons before making a purchase can help save a lot of money and frustration.

July 21, 2017 0

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Bestselling Author Bobby Akart, will begin a two part series on the threats our nation faces from an EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse. Bobby’s poignant analysis of the EMP threat has achieved #1 Bestseller rankings on Amazon…
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July 15, 2016 0

Alternatives to Firearms!

Alternatives to Firearms the Other Weapons! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” Last week we had an in depth discussion of firearms selection and this week we talk about some alternatives for our friends in countries not as firearm friendly, those in the dreaded CA or NY or those who simply are not able to get…
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March 16, 2016 2

EMP, The Big Blackout!

EMP, The Big Blackout! Highlander “Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about the technology we should have in case an EMP was to occur. What we should have before and after and how to prep for such an event. We will go over the possible causes of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and how to prevent it from affecting…
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October 27, 2015 0

Every Day Carry, Then and Now part 2

Every Day Carry, Then and Now part 2 Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever wondered what was used a thousand years ago or more as protection and weapons for hunting or self defense? How did these tools come to be and where did the ideas come from. On this episode of Tech Preps we look…
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October 12, 2015 0

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life!

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be talking about spy safety and survival techniques that can save your life all while keeping you and those you love protected from danger. We will have Jason Hanson, a former CIA…
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September 15, 2015 1

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand!

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It wasn’t until I started writing this show description that I realized what an undertaking a show about self defense would be. I mean there are so many means to defend ones self its absolutely mind boggling. There are less than lethal methods, there…
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September 11, 2015 0

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions!

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions! DirtyLew & Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever wondered where the ideas for these gadgets we use today came from? Have you ever owned a “Flip Phone?” Ever watched Star Trek created by Gene Rodenberry? Are you familiar with Jules Verne or Edward Bellamy? They are among many that have inspired our imagination with their…
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June 20, 2015 0

Weapons Technology!

Weapons Technology Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Prep” On this episode we will talk about various weapons technology, and the history and uses of weapons in modern day life. Learn about sighting systems, various bullet technology and how weapons have made us safer and made life LESS dangerous. We will talk about why most people today need a…
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June 13, 2015 0

Of Knives and Guns!

Of Knives and Guns on The Human Path: Buying, caring for and using knives and guns can be overwhelming to a lot of people. Learning enough practical information about these very important tools and weapons before making a purchase can help save a lot of money and frustration. Join Sam Coffman as he discusses several points…
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September 25, 2013 1

Procure systems of redundancy!

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Two is One, and One is None”; so what steps have you taken to procure systems of redundancy in your plan?  Join us on air to lay out your steps to secure your future, and help open someone’s eyes to this necessity.  Whether it’s an extra magazine for an…
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May 13, 2013 0