Tag: warning

Early Warning Alarms!

Early Warning Alarm! Bob Howkins “APN Report” Audio in player below! Smoky Mountain Moonshiners used to rely on Donkeys as an early warning alarm. They would alert when a Revenue man was sneaking up on their moonshine stills. The Donkeys big, tall ears were like super sensitive radar, able to pick out the sounds of quiet…
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February 10, 2017 0

Is that a train you hear? Well, unless you live beside a railway line, it just may be a tornado!

One might think that preparing for tornadoes in Canada would be pretty low on the priority list.  After all, isn’t tornado alley in the US?  The number of tornadoes in Canada as well as the breadth of the danger zone may surprise you.  On this Episode of The Prepared Canadian I’ll give you a few…
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April 20, 2013 0