Tag: Vacation

What You Should Do If Your Vacation Destination Is Affected by a Natural Disaster

What You Should Do If Your Vacation Destination Is Affected by a Natural Disaster   Nobody wants to think about natural disasters when planning a vacation … and all too often, people don’t. You’ve chosen to travel when the weather’s best, when the skies are clear and blue — what could possibly go wrong?  …
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January 21, 2020 0

How to Pack a Car on the Road

Prepping, Homes & Automobiles: How to Pack a Car on a Road The thrill of hitting the open road with loved ones aboard, in anticipation of a fun-filled journey with vivid sights, great foods, bonding over campfires, sightseeing or hiking never gets old. Knowing how to pack a car can make or break a trip.…
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April 3, 2019 0

Family Vacation & Still Prepping

Family Vacation & Still Prepping Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! I know we dedicate a lot of time and money to prepping and survival but I am a firm believer in balance. I think as important as it is to be prepared it’s just as important to hit the road…
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March 30, 2017 0