Tag: tornado’s

MERS, GMOS, White Teeth and Tornado’s!

MERS, GMOS, White Teeth and Tornado’s! Host: Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour” In this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour, Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, discuss the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrone (MERS) to arrive in the U.S.,…
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May 5, 2014 0

Do you have a safe place to shelter?

If a disaster were to strike would you have a safe place to shelter? Do you have a plan to protect your family from whatever might come from hurricanes, tornado’s, EMP or any other disaster might come. In this episode of In Time of Disaster we will discuss what a shelter is, what they are…
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June 23, 2012 0