Tag: threats

The 5 Most Likely Collapse Scenarios

The 5 Most Likely Collapse Scenarios James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! After a week off I am back to talk about the 5 most likely collapses in the near future. I feel like getting deep into the doom and gloom and the sci fi this week. We all have our theories…
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August 16, 2018 0

The Art of Intentional Positioning

The Art of Intentional Positioning Finding the Purpose Before the Place and Making the Move. Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! A heavy aspect of preparedness is where you are in life. Your stability – whether it be financial, physical, mental or otherwise – will have a significant impact on your kids and…
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July 16, 2018 1

Defending Your Home Part 2!

Defending Your Home Part 2! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Last week we all learned that we have behavior problems and that we need discipline. We discussed ideas for Light, Sound, Smell, Sanitation, and Appearance discipline. In…
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October 28, 2017 0

OPSEC How your crumbs can add up to Cake!

OPSEC and how your crumbs can add up to Cake! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be discussing Operations Security or OPSEC. I’ll explain why OPSEC is important and what you can do to protect yourself and reduce your risks and vulnerabilities. You will see how you are leaving…
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August 5, 2017 0

Invasion of the Pests!

Invasion of the Pests! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There are lots of terrifying scenarios that come to mind when you mention a post-apocalyptic scenario. Most of this is based on the vicious behavior of the human animal. When we talk about home invasion, riots and murder these are all threats…
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March 2, 2017 0

The Threats We Face!

The Threats We Face! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! The threats that face the average American family are many. They are part of a list that seems to be ever growing. Outside of the very real social and environmental risks there are true physical threats to our family. These threats…
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February 16, 2017 0

Rio Social Threats & The Pick List!

Rio Social Threats & The Pick List! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s of Survival Show we will have two topics for discussion. 1) The Rio Summer Olympics and the security, economic, medical and social threats that could lead to disruptions and even a potential terrorist attack

August 10, 2016 0

Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

The Pandemics Threat The Media Isn’t Talking About Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This episode of Herbal Prepper Live will be cover the latest news on infectious diseases that should be in the news, but haven’t been. More importantly, how to do a Self Imposed Reverse Quarantine (SIRQ). Unless you’re actively looking for information about…
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November 2, 2015 0

Prepper Depression!

Prepper Depression James Walton “I Am Liberty” Its unavoidable. If you have taken on plans of preparedness or frequent survival forums you are aware. More than most people around you, you are aware of the landscape of your nation and the world. You are aware of the monsters that lurk in the shadows. You are…
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July 31, 2015 0

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain!

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain! Host: James “I Am Liberty” Across the web there are many different ways to get your information. I think its normal that all of us want to be the first to know and we want to know that our news is the real deal. There are so many…
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January 24, 2014 0

Threats Post SHTF and What You Can Do About Them!

Threats Post SHTF and What You Can Do About Them Recently, a self proclaimed prepper from the Tacoma Washington area “Tyler Smith” was arrested after appearing on the National Geographic Channel’s Doomsday Preppers show. Tyler Smith was not singled out for being a mentally unstable gun enthusiast, nor for any other reason than breaking the…
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January 18, 2014 1

A talk about high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats

Let’s take a look at home security. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety regarding economical, biological or political threat? Are you living in a locale that aids you or places roadblocks in your quest for preparedness and safety? These are questions we often neglect to ask during times…
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October 14, 2012 0

He goes by Irish and he talks security!

Another discussion on security in an emergency situation with special guest “Irish”. We will cover everything from a short term disaster to long term disasters without government services, as well as threats large and small, and how to address those threats. It’ time to get serious about making a plan with your MDA. Listen to…
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March 19, 2012 0