Tag: They Were Preppers

Solidarity Forever

Why I Wrote Solidarity Forever By Ralph Chaplin – American West, 1968; Introduction by Bruce Le Roy Host: Doug “GoatHollow” on They Were Preppers In the pantheon of American labor history there is a very special place for Ralph Chaplin, the man and his work. As the poet laureate of the Industrial Workers of the…
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February 5, 2014 0

The White Getto!

The White Getto! Host: Doug “They Were Preppers” Owsley county Kentucky is the poorest county in the United States. It’s a place with rampant drug abuse, and more Food Stamp fraud, than jobs. A place of despair, and hope at the same time. It’s a place where the typical male has a life expectancy of…
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January 28, 2014 0

The Austramerican (Australian) West

The Austramerican (Australian) West on “They Were Preppers“ By John Greemway Reading By: Doug aka GoatHollow To go into the Australian West is to go into the past. Yet wherever you go, however remote in distance or in time, America and its own West intrudes. A year ago I went to the edge of the Old…
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December 18, 2013 0

“Belated Frontier” on They were Preppers

Belated Frontier By: Thomas M Griffiths Read By: Doug aka GoatHollow Any historian familiar with the march of empire across the American West should now be able to predict the succession of frontiers due to sweep across the Peace River landscape. That he might, in this instance, be wrong is not to his discredit, for…
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December 4, 2013 0

Canyon Dwellers on “They Were Preppers”

The Canyon Dwellers on “They Were Preppers” By: Robert C. Euler Host: Doug “GoatHollow” That the Grand Canyon is one of the most significant geological records on the face of the earth has been recognized for well over a century. What has not generally been realized is that its spectacular depths also document an intriguing…
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November 6, 2013 0

Ignatius Donnelly & The Politics of Discontent

Ignatius Donnelly & The Politics of Discontent  An Inquiry into the Career of a Populist By: Roger G. Kennedy Host: Doug “GoatHollow” for “They Were Preppers” Editor’s Note: There have been few periods in the history of the West more thoroughly convulsive than that between 1880 and 1900, a time when all the agonies of…
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October 30, 2013 0

The Gunfighter and Society

“The Gunfighter and Society” Host: GoatHollow “The Gunfighter and Society”, is the title of an article to be read by GoatHollow on this broadcast of “They Were Preppers“. Following is an excerpt from that article written some 50 years ago. The changes in society’s perception seen then can be seen now in today’s media. However…
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October 16, 2013 0

Tyrone, Utopia Deserted

Tyrone, Utopia Deserted on “They Were Preppers” Host: Doug (GoatHollow) Tyrone New Mexico, referred to as the million dollar city when built in 1915. A train station designed so the trains would back into the station to avoid disturbing passengers or those in the court yard with its smoke. A modern (at the time) hospital,…
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October 9, 2013 0