Tag: The Smith Fix

Colloidal Silver, fraud or natural anti-biotic?

With so much hype on both sides of the Colloidal Silver issue it is some time for real information. In this interview on “The Smith Fix” I talk with Mario Cifaldi, Developer of The Silver Lungs Generator. Will it turn you Blue? What is Colloidal Silver? What is Ionic Silver? How do I use it?…
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July 31, 2013 0

Situational awareness, seeing the threats that surround you!

The Smith Fix … SITUATIONAL AWARENESS TODAY. It is not the big crowds you need fear. It is the 2, 3, or 4 young angry idiots who have been spoon fed “Hate Whitey” by the press and our government. A brick through your windshield does not require a riot. There is nothing wrong with you…
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July 17, 2013 0

Save someone, share your mistakes!

Hey Prepper, Can You Spare Some “Change”? For our first “The Smith Fix” show on American Preppers Radio I think we should review our own Prepper Philosophies and see if they have changed a America has “Changed”. Still think you can “Bug Out”? Still think you can “Bug In”? Then: What have we learned as…
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July 10, 2013 0