Tag: The Preppers’ Poitin Hour

Impeachment, is it a viable option for President Obama?

This week on “The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”! This is the last week that the show will be named this.  Tune in to learn what the new name will be going forward!  Furthermore, we will be looking at impeachment and talking about whether it is a viable option for President Obama given the recent events surrounding…
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May 20, 2013 0

Perpetuating endless wars through fearmongering!

Join your host Chris on The Preppers Poitin Hour as he talks about wars and rumors of war.  With the rhetoric toward Syria ramping, there is North Korea , Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya brewing on the back burner.  The complicit media is abetting the government as they perpetuate endless wars through fearmongering, insinuation, and…
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May 13, 2013 0

Tolerance is compliance. Social justice is collectivism. Political correctness is infringement of free speech.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, What if you were living in a war zone and did not KNOW it?  What if you were in mortal combat and did not yet realize it? Ladies and gentlemen, this is US.  This nation has been besieged for decades in a multiple front war for our culture, our children, our…
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May 7, 2013 0

Collectivism and the current peacehawk warmongering from Obama and his cronies!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about collectivism.  He was recently incensed over a soundbite on CNN where a big education mafiosi was saying that we, as parents, have no rights to view our children as our own.  She was recycling the old Hillary Clinton “It Takes A Village” garbage…
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April 7, 2013 0

We cannot fix stupid; however, we CAN attempt to eradicate it!

Join your host Chris on The Preppers Poitin Hour as he talks about STUPID.  Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest Gump told us and we all know you cannot fix stupid; however, we CAN attempt to eradicate it when we find it.  FEW places define stupidity in action like the U.S. public education system.  With…
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March 11, 2013 0

The last lines of defense for liberty.

This just in! We have Kirsten Tynan from Fully Informed Jury Association who has graciously agreed to be a last minute guest to inform us on that little known but powerful tool called jury nullification.  Kirsten Tynan is the national director of fija.org and she spearheads the fight to inform citizens of the rights that…
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March 4, 2013 0

Erin Moshier, a mother, farmsteader, and patriot.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks to Erin Moshier of Green Hill Farm in Sharpsburg, MD.  This remarkable young lady is a mother, farmsteader, and patriot.  She has formed a recurring series of events she calls the Maryland Poultry Swap Meet and Farmers’ Market and has formed an advocacy group…
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February 25, 2013 0

Article One, and continuing with Article Two.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he continues the discussion on the Constitution in the recurring series on our foundation documents.  Picking up where he left off in Article One, he will continue in Article Two.  Article Two enumerate the executive powers of the federal government and this is especially relevant today. …
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February 18, 2013 0

Jeffrey Phelps, contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about the blizzard in the northeast.  He will be discussing an Examiner article written by Jeffrey Phelps that contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.  I am trying to get him on the show but can make no promises. …
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February 11, 2013 0

An examination of the Constitution, specifically Article One!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as we continue our discussion and examination of the Constitution, specifically Article One, in our recurring series of in-depth looks at our Foundation Documents.  Article One is what sets up our Congress and is arguably the most important part of our Constitution because it sets up the…
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January 21, 2013 0

Solutions that allow YOU to act locally to outreach and help others!

We always talk about the problems we have in our lives, with others, in our government.  We can all diagnose them well enough and then despair when the problems are larger than our abilities to fix, or are they? This Monday night we are SOLUTIONS oriented. No whining, no gloom and doom, just positive solutions…
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January 14, 2013 0

The increasingly defunct Constitution of the United States.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as we begin the first of a recurring series of discussions on the increasingly defunct Constitution of the United States.  We will begin this series with a look at the structure of the first three articles.  We will look at how they relate historically and to current events.…
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January 7, 2013 0

The Big Brother camera systems!

Join Chris on “The Preppers Poitin Hour” as he takes on the growing incidents of police illegality and overreach and looks at the abuse of the Big Brother camera systems by our ever encroaching and abusive government, Forget farfetched tinfoil hat conspiracies. The real threat is before us. It is HERE and it is NOW.…
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December 10, 2012 0