Tag: The Prepared Canadian

Evacuation Planning!

Planning for Evacuation! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Your home is your castle and I’m sure, like me, you don’t plan to leave it all behind unless you absolutely have to. Sometimes though, bugging out is the only option, and the decision to do so may be made for you either by evacuation orders or…
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October 12, 2013 0

Cache Your Stash

Cache You Stash Host: The Prepared Canadian As preppers, we all know the importance of keeping essential supplies on hand. Everything from food and water to fuel and toilet paper is bought, preserved, and carefully tucked away waiting for that event that denies us the ability to easily buy what we need on a day…
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October 5, 2013 0

Degradation of Rights, U.S. vs Canada

Has the degradation of our rights in Canada caught up with the U.S.? In a huge sidestep from my normal subject guide lines, I’m going to dive into politics this week on The Prepared Canadian. Yes, that’s right, politics. Now, the reason I don’t usually delve into this realm is because it incites a lot…
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September 14, 2013 1

Finding the right path through preparedness!

Given that I am a huge proponent of spreading the word about preparedness, it stands to reason that every once in a while, my show will go back to basics. No, this isn’t a flashlight and spare batteries type of show, but one that will help you think for yourself. Once you have that “Ah…
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August 31, 2013 0

Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

About a year ago I wrote a post for the Canadian Preppers Network blog called Two Solitudes. The article was about a division I saw developing between those who consider themselves Preppers and those that consider themselves survivalists. Now, this divide seems to be growing. What’s worse is that there is a whole new category…
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August 24, 2013 0

Storing food for sustainability when times get hard!

Every prepper should be raising at least some of their own food.  Be it for stockpiling now, or as a primary food source when at all goes down, the practice of feeding yourself just makes sense.  But it isn’t as simple as stocking up on seeds and dropping them in the ground.  Believe it or…
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August 17, 2013 0

Being prepared when the stuff hits the fan!

When the stuff hits the fan, either for the not so long term or when the end is not in sight, all the goods we have stored will eventually run out. For many, this time will come much sooner than for others who have made at least some preparations. A lot of things can simply…
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August 10, 2013 0

Do you have the equipment you need to survive?

Many of you realize that a lot of emergency gear can be found at local hardware, camping, and department stores.  But do you really know how well that stuff is going to work when you really need it? As you know by now, I spent last weekend at the provincial meet in Huntsville, Ontario.  For…
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July 27, 2013 0

Water treatment and purification!

Water, water everywhere and nary a drop to drink!  Yup, you guessed it, this week on The Prepared Canadian we take a look at water treatment.  As a compliment to my presentation at the Ontario provincial prepper meetup in Huntsville this weekend, I thought I would give those who can’t be there a chance to…
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July 20, 2013 0

Surviving, finding safety in numbers!

A healthy prepper or survival group is more than a happy one, it’s a group that can function as needed in order to carry out the day to day tasks required to survive an emergency situation.  Daily tasks become difficult to impossible when your whole group is sick with influenza or some other contagion that…
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July 13, 2013 1

“The Alberta Floods” first hand account on The Prepared Canadian!

On this broadcast of The Prepared Canadian there is really only one thing worth talking about…the Alberta floods.  I’ll give a rundown of what’s going on as of the recording time, but more importantly what is going terribly wrong.  It’s a sad state of affairs when people think a picture of a fireman carrying an…
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June 22, 2013 0

Home emergency kit, safe storage, and more!

It’s back to basics time again on The Prepared Canadian! From time to time, a surge of new Preppers in the forum prompts me to get back to the basics of prepping. Now is another one of those times. This week, we will take a look at putting together a very basic home emergency kit.…
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June 15, 2013 1

Breaker 1-9 for a copy! on The Prepared Canadian

This week on The Prepared Canadian, we take a look back to the times of Smokey and the Bandit. Yup, you guessed it…CB radios. We look at the benefits as well as the pitfalls of using CB’s as a source of communications as well as how to get set up. Also, why and how to…
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June 1, 2013 0