Tag: The Herbal Prepper

Spring, The Liver,and Seasonal Allergies

Spring, The Liver,and Seasonal Allergies Host: Cats “The Herbal Prepper” After a long winter, spring has finally arrived, bringing with it springtime allergies. Predictably, the very popular topic of “liver cleanses” is hitting the blogosphere at this time of year as well. What you may not know is that liver function and allergic reactions are…
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April 13, 2014 0

Herbal Antibiotics!

Herbal Antibiotics Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” When antibiotics were introduced in the 1940’s, many in the medical world believed that humans had finally conquered bacterial infections. Once serious infections were now treated easily with just a few pills. It was a great achievement of modern medicine. Bacteria, it turns out, are more…
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March 22, 2014 0