Tag: The Gun Show

The first known human target for drones on U.S. soil

When we look at tactical scenarios from both sides, we learn from both successes and failures.  This Monday on The Gun Show, we are joined again by special guest “Snoddy” as we breakdown Chris Dorner’s fatal errors, leading to his crucifixion in the cabin. From shoot outs to tactics – listen in and learn from…
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July 22, 2013 0

The Gun Show! on PrepperBroadcasting.com is giving away a High End AR-15

Have you ever wanted an AR-15? Would you like to up grade from that thing your using and increase your odds of survival? How ’bout just adding what may well be one of the best rifles you will ever own to your arsenal? Monday July 29th right here at American Preppers Radio ( PrepperBroadcasting.com) on…
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July 15, 2013 0

Protecting your family in times of disaster.

What would you do if you knew with 100% certainty that your house and property was going to be looted within 10 minutes, but it was too late to get out because all the roads were blocked? How would you organize your retreat to be able fight and win? Would everyone in your house know…
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July 15, 2013 0

Project Appleseed the history of our great nation!

Have you ever wanted to get training on various types of firearms, but can’t afford the $350+ cost for the class, plus hotel, airfare, and ammo? Well the good news is, now you and your entire family can get trained for around $50 plus ammo! You may have heard The Survival Mom talk about this…
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July 8, 2013 0

From Doomsday Preppers Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom

Tonight Dave Womach meets up with Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom, to get a woman’s perspective on prepping. You’ve surely seen her on National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers, and now’s your chance to get up close and personal with her on air. Prepping as a woman is unique when it comes to firearms and training. Find…
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June 24, 2013 0

The End – Post-Apocalypse!

The Gun Show    guest G. Michael Hopf After his departure from the Marines, Mr. Hopf was recruited by a private security firm to operate as an Executive Protection Agent. He spent 9 years providing close protection to celebrities, corporate executives and the Saudi Royal Family. He operated around the world and was a detail leader…
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June 17, 2013 0

Get ready; be prepared for what’s coming Monday!

Do you know Southern Prepper 1? How do you feel about our current administration resembling out of control tyrants? Get prepared because on Monday we have two big surprises for the listeners of Prepper Broadcasting. If you’re new to our site or a regular listener it will make no difference, this is a day not…
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June 9, 2013 0

Groups to Survive on The Gun Show!

We all know the importance of preparing for a disaster, but who all is in your group? Do you have a medic or a vet, a dentist or a seamstress? On this Monday, June 3rd edition of The Gun Show, Dave Womach teams up with his brother Chet for a full out break down of…
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June 3, 2013 0

Johnathan Snodgrass aka Snoddy – Memorial Day “The Gun Show”!

Yes, If things keep going the way they are now for the next 1-3 years, Yes, I could see our Economy Crash, SHTF and Citizens Rise Up against this Administration, Rebel Against it. Yeah I could share my war stories and considering the fact…. The Treasury is printing money to stay afloat our dollar could…
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May 27, 2013 0

What would it be like to fight after SHTF?

Ever wonder what it’d be like to fight after SHTF? What if it was triggered by a grid down due to economic collapse, or worse yet, an EMP? Would you be ready to fight without the use of modern equipment and communications? In a way, it’d be like getting teleported back in time to the…
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May 20, 2013 0

Procure systems of redundancy!

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Two is One, and One is None”; so what steps have you taken to procure systems of redundancy in your plan?  Join us on air to lay out your steps to secure your future, and help open someone’s eyes to this necessity.  Whether it’s an extra magazine for an…
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May 13, 2013 0

Learn what you need to survive in a real life hell on American Preppers Radio!

This Monday on The Gun Show learn what you need to survive in a real life hell! When people think about TEOTWAWKI or SHTF, they envision a lawless world full of looting and chaos.  They picture a victorious scenario of winning all the gunfights, and their family, friends, and neighbors all end up unscathed. After…
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April 22, 2013 0

First Lieutenant Harry Golden, discover the real secrets of fighting for your life.

Imagine being ambushed by al Queda on a bridge in their home turf.  You go black on ammo and are forced to re-supply off your dead and wounded.  When that goes south, you’re left with nothing but a pistol.  The combat report comes in after the battle, and you’ve officially just dodged more than 2,000 rounds while…
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April 14, 2013 0