Tag: takeover

NBC GUY: Collapse Happens!

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July 3, 2020 0

Prepping Up with the Jones’: Collapse Happens!

Listen to “NBC Guy- Collapse Happens!” on Spreaker. 0 (2s): 1 (1m 2s): Post tyranny and fight for the rights. Our creator bestowed us in the United States constitution. We all the prep rule broadcasting. 0 (1m 14s): Well, hello, everyone out there in internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. How…
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July 3, 2020 0

The I Am Liberty chatroom takeover!

The I Am Liberty chatroom takeover! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! The time has come for the fans of the I AM Liberty to gather their power. You are getting exactly the voice you deserve this week on the show. We will govern our show on Wednesday November 8th on the…
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November 9, 2017 0