Tag: symptoms

Sepsis – Blood Poisoning Fast Lane to Death!

Sepsis – Blood Poisoning Fast Lane to Death Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! What do you think of when you hear the words Sepsis, Septicemia, or better known as blood poisoning? Does the elderly come to mind? Perhaps you think of a grandparent that passed away after contracting it while in the hospital…
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July 14, 2018 0

Lyme Disease and plant medicine relief

Lyme Disease and plant medicine relief Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This episode of Herbal Prepper Live starts a series of shows on Lyme disease. Lyme is a devastating disease that is spread by ticks. While Lyme was first noted in Lyme, CT and has plagued New England states for decades, Lyme…
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April 9, 2018 0

Surviving with Hypothyroidism after SHTF!

How to Survive with Hypothyroidism after SHTF Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” There’s a quiet epidemic growing around the globe. People are developing hypothyroidism, which is an under-active thyroid. There is also an overwhelming predominance of a specific type of hypothyroidism called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. So much so, that both are nearly

June 13, 2016 0

Herbs for Seasonal Allergies!

Herbs for Seasonal Allergies Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” It’s springtime, the air smells of flowers and cut grass. The sun is out, and there is a gentle breeze. People are outside, enjoying their backyards, gardening, and cooking out on the grill. On the weekends, perhaps they are out camping or hiking. That is, unless…
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May 23, 2016 0

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” It seems like everyone is avoiding gluten these days. Some people give it up without even knowing if they need to. Others think reactions to gluten are “all in your head”. Today, there are growing “gluten-free” sections at the grocery store, which on one hand…
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October 11, 2015 1

Cold & Flu Season 2015

Be Ready for Cold & Flu Season 2015 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” The cold and flu season comes around every year about this time. Kids go back to school, the weather gets cooler, the days grow shorter, and we are all inside in closed populations for most of our days. This is a breeding…
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September 20, 2015 0

Ebola, The Virus!

Ebola,  The  Virus Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” I have had so many emails asking me about herbal possibilities in dealing with Ebola virus, that I am going to come out of what was meant to be a month-long hiatus (taken due to being so busy) and talk about Ebola. This is obviously uncharted…
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August 5, 2014 0

Whooping Cough and Herbal Medicine

Whooping Cough and Herbal Medicine Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” California has officially declared a Whooping Cough (Pertussis) epidemic. This is a very serious illness that can even cause death. At a minimum, this illness makes it extremely difficult to function normally in the manner that a post-disaster environment would require. Basic necessary chores…
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June 17, 2014 0

The Digestive System, Part II

The Digestive System, Part II Rotovirus, Norovirus, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Cholera Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This week’s episode continues our series on the digestive system with a look at some viral and parasitic infections which are currently both common and generally easy to survive. However, in a post disaster scenario, could become far…
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June 8, 2014 0

Spring, The Liver,and Seasonal Allergies

Spring, The Liver,and Seasonal Allergies Host: Cats “The Herbal Prepper” After a long winter, spring has finally arrived, bringing with it springtime allergies. Predictably, the very popular topic of “liver cleanses” is hitting the blogosphere at this time of year as well. What you may not know is that liver function and allergic reactions are…
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April 13, 2014 0