Tag: sustainability

Personal Sustainability!

Personal Sustainability! Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres” On the next episode of the Makers On Acres Tech. Build and Grow Show, we are going to be talking about our own personal sustainability. Many of us dream of living a self-reliant lifestyle. The road to true self-reliance can be one that has many road blocks and…
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April 10, 2016 0

Sustainability with Survival Mom

Sustainability with Survival Mom Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and have Lisa Bedford “The Survival Mom” on the show sharing with us not only how she got started, but some great advice on prepping and how YOU can get started. Lisa is one of…
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July 7, 2014 0

Storing food for sustainability when times get hard!

Every prepper should be raising at least some of their own food.  Be it for stockpiling now, or as a primary food source when at all goes down, the practice of feeding yourself just makes sense.  But it isn’t as simple as stocking up on seeds and dropping them in the ground.  Believe it or…
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August 17, 2013 0

Tips from Australia and New Zealand on gardening!

It’s 5:00 somewhere as the country music song goes!!!  It’s also Spring in Australia and New Zealand.  Join me, and my guest “Hamish121212″ from Youtube on “Prepping with GoatHollow“.  He’s planting his garden right now!  LOL.  He’ll talk about how the climate is different there, and dealing with that.  Give us a little hope for…
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November 14, 2012 0

Real Economic Survial!

Grab a seat and have a fireside chat with  Christine & The Real’s | Real Economic Survival Mr. and Mrs. Real have been homesteading, prepping and homeschooling for over 10 years. These down to earth Prepper Folks tell it like it is with a no holds barred discussion about survival, homesteading, and prepping for long…
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June 30, 2012 0