Tag: Surviving

What Does It Mean To Bugout?

What Does It Really Mean Practically To Bugout? Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be talking about all things surrounding what bugging out would be like. We will be exploring what you should include in a bug out bag/go bag/woods bag/shtf bag/ etc. and what…
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September 8, 2015 0

Situation Awareness

Situation Awareness James Walton “I Am Liberty” Bloodshed, shootings, cuttings, hackings, its just another day in America. Movie theaters, schools, malls and other public places are becoming shooting ranges. Its a frightening truth that today in America you better know about the people around you and the settings. You also better understand that at any…
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August 7, 2015 0

Self Reliant Strategies!

Do You Have Self Reliant Strategies in Place For The Dangerous World We Live In? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Due to mix up in guest schedule and a great save by our host Karen of Lil’ Suburban Homestead this show is primarily about Winter Preps with Open Chat and a show well worth listening to…
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February 17, 2015 0

Love and Preparing

Love and Preparing Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” What is love? When you envision this worst case world I am sure one of the last things on your mind is love. Its very tough to think about these things when your biggest concerns are eating, drinking, and surviving. Still, what are we without this…
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November 21, 2014 0

Surviving the Cold

Surviving the Cold! Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” It is said that shelter is important and should be sought first in a survival situation. More so if you are facing what could be the next ice age. How could it happen. The biggest culprit could br Magnetic reversals. How would that occur? To quote a…
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October 16, 2014 0

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster on Best of Prepper Broadcasting! Host: Lynna “Other Side… A Preppers Path” Prepper books author Ron Foster;  survivalist, instructor and mentor for many joins Lynna as her special guest to discuss real life events and how they are mirrored in his trilogy. Learn the realities of prepping and surviving through Fiction. Ron’s Prepper…
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December 17, 2013 0

Surviving through a Financial Collapse

Surviving through a Financial Collapse Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman interviews Fernando Ferfal Aguirre, author of the highly acclaimed book, “Surviving the Economic Collapse.” Fernando lives in Buenos Aires and survived with his family through the sever financial collapse in Argentina near the turn of the millennia. During that time, citizens’…
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November 19, 2013 0

Surviving an Urban Disaster!

Surviving an Urban Disaster! Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping Urban survival expert Richard Duarte will be the guest on this week’s episode of Common Sense Prepping. The Surviving Doomsday: A Guide for Surviving an Urban Disaster author is also a firearms expert and attorney in Miami. Duarte’s book also boasts some vital information for suburban…
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October 28, 2013 0

Surviving, finding safety in numbers!

A healthy prepper or survival group is more than a happy one, it’s a group that can function as needed in order to carry out the day to day tasks required to survive an emergency situation.  Daily tasks become difficult to impossible when your whole group is sick with influenza or some other contagion that…
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July 13, 2013 1

Self-Reliance in the concrete jungle!

Living in the urban locale and the realities of being prepared are Sunday’s hot topics. How can we get there? Urban localities have their own challenges with limited land, storage space, people everywhere and plain old time. How do we prepare for calamity large or small, man-made or by Mother Nature. Living in the city does…
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June 22, 2013 0

The End – Post-Apocalypse!

The Gun Show    guest G. Michael Hopf After his departure from the Marines, Mr. Hopf was recruited by a private security firm to operate as an Executive Protection Agent. He spent 9 years providing close protection to celebrities, corporate executives and the Saudi Royal Family. He operated around the world and was a detail leader…
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June 17, 2013 0

Scout,Tracker and Survival School!

Tonight Sunday 6/2/2013 7:00pm/Est. 6pm/Ct. on the Doom and Bloom Hour(tm) Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are back from their journey! Nurse Amy interviews Kevin Reeve, from On Point Tactical,LLC, a scout, tracker and survival school. Kevin shares great advice for surviving outdoors and also how to keep your senses alert and aware of potential…
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June 2, 2013 0

Kevin Reeve, from On Point Tactical, LLC, a scout, tracker and survival school!

On this episode 3/31/2013 of the Doom and Bloom Hour Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are back from their journey! Nurse Amy interviews Kevin Reeve, from On Point Tactical,LLC, a scout, tracker and survival school. Kevin shares great advice for surviving outdoors and also how to keep your senses alert and aware of potential danger…
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March 31, 2013 0